"Oh why," Yuki groaned.

"Well if it isn't Yuri," Gary said in a superior tone as he noticed them. "What brings you here?"

"I'm on my way to get my sixth badge," Yuki answered, calmly.

"I've already got my sixth badge," Gary said, arrogantly.

"I don't care," Yuki muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Pikachu Pika. (What an arrogant brat.)" Raiden growled. 

"Well, I'll be," Gary said, noticing Tsuki. "You actually got yourself a cool Pokémon." He then noticed Terra. "This one takes after you... a loser."

Terra looked down sadly at that comment.

"That was rude," Willow whispered to Brock.

"Yuki is not going to let that one slide," Brock whispered.

Suddenly, the air got cold and everyone turned their attention to Yuki, the source of the cold air.

"Listen to me, Gary Oak! You have been nothing but a pain since we were kids & now you dare to insult my Pokémon?! Nobody, and I mean nobody, insults my Pokémon or any Pokémon that is in front of me. I wouldn't let you near them with a 10ft pole. Are we clear?" Yuki snarled, a dark, evil aura around her as she ended with her demon voice.

Gary froze and paled as he walked off to join the other trainers.

"He deserved that," Brock said.

"Uh huh," Willow nodded.


The Workman explained to the trainers that they needed to get rid of the Diglett.

"These bugs cause nothing but trouble!" He shouted through a speaker.

Gary raised his hand in the air, "Excuse me, but Diglett are Ground Type, not Bug Type."

"I don't care what type they are!" The Workman shouted angrily, "I just want them gone!

"I'll handle them," Gary declared as he kissed one of his Pokéballs and threw it. 

But what happened next was weird; Gary's Pokémon came out and then went back into the Pokéball. 

"What?!" Gary exclaimed.

A Diglett returned Gary's Pokéball.

Gary bent down and took the Pokéball, "Oh thank you. Wait!" He shouted.

Gary tried again with another Pokéball, but the same thing happened. 

"Argh! I'll try every Pokémon I have!" He shouted angrily and threw out all six of his Pokémon.

The other trainers tried to call out their Pokémon, but like what happened to Gary, they refused to come out. 

What was stranger was that the Diglett would give the Pokéballs back to the trainers.

"Oh, thank you," All the trainers thanked the Diglett for returning their Pokéballs. 


"They're smart little fellas," Yuki said, amused.

"At least they're polite," Willow said.

"And unstoppable," Brock added.


After trying five times, Gary gave up and left in his red convertible. The other trainers decided to leave too, since their Pokémon refused to come out. 

Pokémon; Journey Through KantoWhere stories live. Discover now