He starts crying. He really fucking wipes away tears with his hands because he can’t get to his destination? That’s kind of ridiculous. Maybe he’s a psychopath after all. I roll my eyes and chew on my last gummy bear before jumping into the car again.

I look over to the boy again and I can’t help guilt washing over me when I see him like that. Hugging his backpack, wiping away the tears on his cheeks and staring up into the sky. Fuck, maybe he isn’t a psychopath.

I get out of the car again and walk over to his bench slowly. He is chewing on some chocolate now, wiggling his foot nervously.

“It’s not that bad”, I say, “Just a fucking car drive. If it’s that urgent, come with me. “

“Really?”, he asks, carefully.

“No, I’m fucking kidding. It was a joke and I’ll drive of alone now.” I roll my eyes at his confused face. He can’t be much younger than me, but he seems to have the irony of a four year old. “Yes, of fucking course. Come with me, for fucks sake.”

He nods carefully and grabs his backpack and his bag from the floor before following me.
“Don’t expect much, though”, I say, “I’m not driving far today. A few hours more, maybe.”

He nods and sits down on the passenger seat. He doesn’t talk too much, it seems. I don’t mind, I wanted to do this alone anyways, so I don’t mind him not talking.

“I’m still scared you’re a murderer”, I say, “Can’t you throw the backpack to the back or something? I am concerned there’s a knife in there.”

He hugs the backpack even tighter as if he wanted it to disappear in his stomach and it’s a little bit creepy, seeing him so obsessed with it.

“There’s not a knife inside”, he says and places the backpack behind him carefully before throwing the bag into the back as well.

“A weapon?”

He shakes his head.

“Where are you headed anyways? Seemed to be really fucking important so what’s this about?”

I wait for him to answer but he keeps staring out of the front window without even making a move to answer so I just shrug and concentrate on the map and road again.

“Just visiting a friend”, he mumbles after about five minutes have passed and it’s not exactly the answer I was expecting.

I turn on the playlist again and don’t really care about what he thinks about the music because I am taking him with me, even though I’m already despising it, so he really can’t complain about the music.

He doesn’t complain. He doesn’t really talk at all. I don’t mind it, at least it still feels as if I was doing this trip on my own.

After about half an hour in the car with him, Zayn calls, to my rescue, because the silence, only filled by music, is getting extremely uncomfortable.

“Hi?”, Zayn grumbles into the phone, voice extremely hoarse, “Oh my fucking God. I got way too drunk last night, shit.”

I laugh. “Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. You sent me a snowboarder emoji as an answer to every question I asked you.”

He groans again and I think I can hear him drinking water through the phone. “I just listened to that audio I sent you. Fuck, I think I had a blackout. I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you a new toothbrush, this is so gross.”

I laugh loudly. “Yeah, no worries. I’m keeping that audio as blackmail material though, be sure of that.”

“Yeah, that’s fair. I wish you were home, keeping me form drinking so much.”

The boy sneezes next to me and I hear Zayn’s confusion through the phone. “Who’s that with you?”

“Well, long story short, I took someone pretending not to be a murderer with me because he really desperately needs to ‘just visit a friend.’”

“You did what?”, Zayn shouts through the phone, “Fucking hell, Louis, you’ll get killed for sure, oh my god. I’m sure he looks really creepy too and is like fifty years old, isn’t he?”

“He can hear you”, is all I say, “And I’d say he’s about my age. Doesn’t tell me much though.” I look over at the boy but he doesn’t seem bothered that we’re having a conversation about him in third person at all.

“Good”, Zayn says, “Listen to me, you criminal. You better not kill my best friend or else I’ll chase you across the country and stab you.”

“Okay”, the boy says and nods.

“He really doesn’t sound like a murderer”, Zayn says, sighing contently, “Alright. Louis, I gotta tell that couple in your room to leave.”

“What?”, I shout and it makes him burst out in laughter.

“They’re gone. It smells a bit like sex though. I’ll make sure to change the sheets and open the windows before you’re back, no worries.”

“I hate you”, I say and roll my eyes.

“Yeah, love you too. Bye.”

“Bye, Z. And don’t forget to buy me a new toothbrush.”

He hangs up and I concentrate on driving again, realizing I nearly missed an exit again I look at the boy next to me, still staring out of the window and wonder how he manages to be so quiet. It annoys the fuck out of me, he seems like the most boring person in the world.


hope you liked the first meeting<3

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