Chapter 6: Sapira Outwitted the Scoundrels

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THE MEN SLOWLY approached the old woman.

"Please, have mercy on me," begged the woman, shivering. "What do you need from me?!"

The guy wearing an eyepatch spat. If he was mimicking a scary pirate, he got it down pat.

"There's only one thing we need from you, ale," he replied, spitting again. "Give me your money and no harm will come to you." The scoundrel smirked.

Frightened, the old woman buried her head in her hands.

AT THAT EXACT moment, a great gust of wind blew.


The wind brought enormous dusts.

"What's that?" complained one man, shielding his face from the wind and dusts.

"Hakkhakk..." The rest of the men ended up with a hacking cough.

"Pssst..." Making use of the distraction, Sapira used the opportunity to catch the attention of the old woman. "Pssst..." She waved from atop the tree.

Fright engulfed the old woman's face when she saw Sapira. She glanced at the men to check if they had noticed the waving girl. The men were too busy coughing so she can't be sure if they did.

Sapira waved agan to catch the old woman's attention. They caught each other's eyes. Sapira silently motioned towards the hidden cave that the old woman could use as a hiding place. The fear on the woman's eyes deepened when she understood what Sapira was trying to say.

Urgh, don't be squeamish, Sapira thought, heart beating thunderously, we will both die if you don't move fast enough.

She whistled again.

"Who's that?" barked the leader of the group.

Sapira immediately shut up. Her eyes grew wide. Did they hear her?

"I think those are just birds, pare."

"Gago!" snarled the one-eyed leader, "can animals whistle? There's someone here! Look for it!"

Confirmed, they heard me, thought Sapira.

Sapira waved her shaking hand. The wind grew even stronger.

"Pare," said one of the men nervously, goosebumps all over his skin. "We're here at the mysterious lake. There's an aswang here, didn't you know? Let's get out of here!"

"You, too!" snarled the man. "Don't be a nutshell! Cowardly gits!"

In the middle of the chaos, Sapira did not take her eyes off the old woman. Wait for my signal, she gestured silently.

The old woman nodded. Grim and with determination in her eyes.

"C'mon, that's nothing but wind! Stop saying nonsense!" barked the leader furiously. "Get back on your positions!"

The men jumped.

Three, two, Sapira counted using her fingers, one! Now! Run!

At her signal, a great gust of wind surged forward. It solidified; permutating into a huge funnel of whirlwind.

The angry whirlwind only had one destination.


The shouts of the men chorused, as the angry whirlwind blew even harder and hurtled them like weightless balloons.

If Sapira had the time, she'd laugh aloud at the bouncing men. Serves them right for being arrogant.

But at this time, she had something more important to do.


*ale - older woman
*pare - friend; male
*gago - swear word
*aswang - a mythological monster; believed to eat humans

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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