part 1: the DBK unsealing

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"Hello": normal text/talking
"Hello": thinking
"Hello": telepathic communication
"Hello": yelling
"Hello": yelling in mind
"Hello" or "HELLO": Yelling in telepathic communication
Slight wukong slander

It's been that three years since they met and the three still talk and hang out. Right now you can see that inside a noodle shop called pigsy's noodles there is Pigsy yelling at Mk.

"-and I see that you've been slacking off all day!?" Yelled Pigsy.

"Yeah I was about to take my break so." Said Mk in a monotoned voice.

"Break? Break!? There's no breaks in war and I need soldiers in the army of Pigsy's noodles, home to the world's longest noodles so that I can expand into the enemy territory!" Yelled Pigsy.

"You mean across the street?" Asked Mk.

After the two pig demons had a short glaring contest Pigsy spoke up.

"I rest my case. Now get packing!" Yelled Pigsy before Mk got to work.

As the delivery boy started delivering his orders he started to speak with Red and Mei telepathically.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Asked Mk as he grabbed the money from a costumer.

"My mother and I are unsealing my father." Said Redson in the communication.

"Really? Will you be alright?" Asked Mei.

"I'll be fine hopefully. But I honestly don't want to do this. All I want to do is hang out with you guys and dance." Said Red.

"Same with us. But if you need us just talk to us telepathically." Said Mk as he saw he had one last delivery.

He put on his headphones and blasted music so that he couldn't hear Redson and Mei bickering over if cats or dogs are cuter.

He reached the final place and turned off his music as he went down the shaft.

As he walked he saw Redson and his mother. Since the boy knew Red never told PIF about him or Mei he his behind some boulders and climbed up the pipes to watch.

"Hey Red look above you!" Said Mk in the telepathic conversation.

When he saw Red slightly look up and see him he chuckled at his look.

"Mk what the hell!?" Exclaimed red in the communication.

"Did you or your mom order noodles?" Asked Mk.

"I didn't order any; my mother might have though, but I don't know." Said Redson before his mother spoke, most of what she was saying was tuned out by the two so that they could hear each other better.

"-are the preparations complete?" Asked PIF.

"Just making some final adjustments mother." Said Redson. "Soon father will be unsealed and the demon bull family will plunge the world into eternal darkness!" Said Redson, who was basically a professional actor since he had to act as if he wanted to actually plunge the world into darkness.

"Nice acting Red if I didn't know you don't wanna plunge the world into darkness I totally would've believed you!" Complemented Mk before he slipped and was now holding onto two pipes.

"Can I please know what's happening?" Asked Mei.

"Mother and I are realesingt father and Mk for some reason is here as well hiding above us on the pipes." Answered Red.

"Oh okay then thanks Red!" Said Mei.

"No problem." Said Red before turning his attention to a bull clone trying to pull out the staff.

Yeah it lost its arms and fell back.

"Oof." Said Mk. "Is it alright?" Asked Mk.

"Probably." Said Red.

𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕙 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕦ns𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔻𝔹𝕂 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕄𝕜 𝕕𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 o𝕟𝕥𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡i𝕝𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝.

"Sorry Red." Said Mk.

"No problem but now we have to act as if we don't know each other." They spoke to each other quickly as to not raise suspicion.

"Uhm hehe. Anyone order noodles?" Asked Mk.

And let the acting begin.

"Get off of me you idiot!" Yelled Redson as he threw Mk off of him.

"You okay Mk?" Asked Red as the two blocked out what DBK was saying.

"Yeah I'm fine." Said Mk.

The both snapped out of their slight travel when DBK raised him foot to stomp on Mk and kill him.

"Wait father." Said Red as he went in front of Mk and spoke to him telepathically. "Mk get out of here."

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked DBK.

"Do not waist your time on this. . . Peasent." Said Redson. "A low me to show you how powerful I have become in your absence!" Said Redson as Mk slipped away.

"Maybe I can use this chance to escape." Muttered Mk before Red turned around.

"In some ways you are very fortunate noodle boy. Not everyone is squashed by the demon bull family!" Yelled Red as Mk continued to crawl away. "Are you even listening to me!?"

(Later when the trio fake the entire Mk escaping DBK)

"I don't want to do this." Stated Mk plainly in the trio's mindscape.

The mindscape was a simple dance studio. Multiple dance mats, water bottles and other dancing and stretching things were scattered around the studio. Just barely organized but the trio liked it.

"Why? What are you guys doing?" Asked Redson.

"Ugh where. do I. start." Groaned Mk. "We have to go ALL the way to FLOWER FRUIT MOUNTAIN to give Monkey king his staff back. It's so stupid. I dont care. Let the world fucking burn for all I care. As long as the three of us can dance, have fun, and live good lives I dont give a flying fuck what happens to the world." Ranted Mk, annoyance showing in his voice and expression as he spoke.

"Oh my god what the fuck?" Said Redson.

"I know right. It's stupid! Monkey idiot can come get the staff himself if the world gonna end." Said Mei.

"Right!" Exclaimed Mk.

"Oh shit I think someone is trying to wake Mk and I up." Said Mei as outside the mindscape she could feel someone shaking her.

"God damnit. See ya later Redson." Groaned Mk.

"Yeah dance training later today?" Asked Redson.

"You know it!" Exclaimed Mk and Mei before the three left their mindscape.

Uhm I hate life rn I had to deal with being embarrassed at myself and being stared at yesterday during our vetrens day program by my classmates because I had to go get my instrument because I left it in the band room and nearly missed Choir soooo yeah. I cried but I made sure no one saw afterward while band had to watch the veterans and guests leave the school but luckly my choir and band teachers comforted me afterwards and I comforted my platonic mother, Ali, because she nearly cried from the crowd staring at her. I'm sorry for my rant I just had to get this off my chest bc I'm scared to talk to my parents and let them down even though they're great parents and would probably understand.

Word count: 1001(not including rant)

Word count: 1144(including rant)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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