night stay.1 (part 6)

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*In ice cream shop*
Jimin:hyung i want this (pointing towards chocolate ice cream)
Yoongi:okay my baby
Suga:for jk it's banana ice cream for tae strawberry ice cream for jm chocolate for me blueberry for baekhyun hyung?
Bae:i don't want a(cut off)
Suga:ya hyung dont be shy tell me which one?
Bae:it's strawberry
"Chanyeol hyung"suga said
Chan:it's chocolate
Suga:kk waiter(waiter comes toward them)2 chocolate 2 strawberry 1 blueberry 1 banana
Waiter:okay sir yoyr order will arried soon
*time skips*
Everyone come out of the ice cream shop
"Hyung can we go to near by park please"jimin said
Suga:sure let's go
*in park*
Jimin:hyung(cracked voice)
Suga:what happened baby?(hugs him)
Jimin start to cry
Jimin:h--hyung i--it hurts(pointing on his butt where he got injection)
Suga start to rub his butt
Suga:aww my baby stop crying it will be fine
Chanyeol pick jimin from suga
Chan:what happened to my baby huh?suddenly my brave baby become cry baby?(jimin pouted)
Jimin:i am not a cry baby (while pouting)
Tae:(to suga)hyung i want this(pointing towards cotton candy)
Suga:co(cut off)
Chan:come i will buy you this
Suga:but hyung (cut off)
Chan:suga they are also my brothers first you treat us with ice cream now it's my turn(to vminkook)come let's go
Then chanyeol buy vminkook cotton candy
They all eat and now they are going to home
*btw vminkook are sleeping as they get vaccine so they are tired*
Time skip
*outside the home*
All of them went towards door bell
Chan is picking tae suga is picking jk and bae is picking jm
Sua ring the bell
*ding dong*
Jin opened the door
Jin:you 2?
Chan & bae:jin you?
Jin:how do you come here??(happy & shocked)
*Actually tells him everything*
"Btw you must be thinking why chanyeol and baekhyun come to their home?actually vminkook force them to come so that's why they come"
*now you must be thinking thathow do jin know chanyeol and baekhyun so they are best friend of jin childhood best friend*
All of them went inside
"In room"
"How's these 2?"namseok ask together
Bae:really joonie you forget us?(spank him)
Nam:who are you?and why are you spanking me?
Chna:okay so do you remember chanyeol and baekhyun hyung the 2 who used to spank all of you including hobi,namjoon and suga?remember?
Hoseok:yeah i remember now
Namjoon:me 2 (while rubbing his butt cutely)
Suga:they also used to spank me (bae spanks him)ahhh hyungiee (to jin)(pout)
Jin hug him
Jin:i didn't know my suga is that much weak he will cry from a light spank(kiss his forehead)
Suga:i am not crying stop making fun of me

Thats it for today
Next ep preview:
Suga:ahhh slowly hyung
Jin:come everyone let's eat dinner
Jin:check his bandage to

So guys guess according to the preview don't forget to do comments it will motivate me and I will give new and awesome awesome stories

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