-Thinking About The Pass-

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       A/n: not sure but just in case   ⚠️⚠️⚠️(TW)⚠️⚠️⚠️
💭=your thought

As I was walking to the next town. I reminded myself why I had to run away from my home again.
⚠️Flash back (still y/n POV) ⚠️
I heard my mom yelling"USLESS BRAT,COME HERE."As I came down to my mother still terrified of her while preparing for the worst I said " yes mom..." she answered back with a
" WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY FROM THE HOUSE AGAIN,  THE FU*ING GUARDS HAD TO COME JUST TO DROP YOU OFF" "I -I just wanted to play outside for a bit..." I said"I DON'T CARE COME NOW" as she said while grabbing me hard on to my arm and dragging me to the basement to beat me again. 
Once that was done I went to my room trying hard to to cry again. I pulled out a dagger that I found on the ground a while back and started to cut. Then I finally decided enough was enough and ran away for good. Packing everything I need and ran fast and far away as possible just to escape that pit hole that I called "home".
Flash back ended
While remembering that horrible pass and saying to myself that their are more people that have it more worse than me, I heard a group of people coming pass me so I put on my mask back on and felt a sharp pain in the side of my leg
"sh*t" I whisper to myself. 💭those bandits must had cut me when I wasn't looking💭.
As I tried to walk normally, I saw a red head who hair is red as a apple walk pass. 💭just my luck💭. I started to get dizzy I collapses.
To be continue...

A Run Away Cat ( Obi x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now