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Daenerys never liked the life she came to live. She and Viserys were in exile. He spoke of taking back his rightful kingdom, and it was hard to hear him speak of her as nothing but a pawn. But one day, she felt a shift. It was when the Magister had introduced Viserys to a woman. Daenerys wasn't invited to listen to their conversation, but she was there, and she remembered her name.

Carra Blackfyre, second of her name.

She'd never seen Viserys so excited to hear the name. "She is one of us, Daenerys." Daenerys didn't know much about the Blackfyres and their relation to the Targaryens except that they were said to have died out decades ago.

"I know you seem skeptical of my origins, but my mother birthed my brother and me with Maelys Blackfyre's eldest son of the same name before his death in the Stepstones."

"And who is your brother?"

"Daemon Blackfyre, fourth of his name. But he is no longer with us." Viserys nods, noting that the male Blackfyre line ceases to exist.

"And why do you wish to fight for me, Carra?" Her eyes drift to Daenerys, who silently watches, and back to Viserys. "I wish to put Robert Baratheon's head on a spike." The man is so shocked by the answer that he smiles wildly, bursting out a laugh. He roughly pats her shoulder. "Great minds think alike. But I must inquire," Carra nods, watching his eyes drift to the sword.

He looks back up quickly and smiles wider. "Why do you hold such a grudge?"

"King Robert wishes to wipe us all out. I begged my mother as a child to let us have her name, but she refused. Despite my kinfolk, Daemon I, being a bastard, he believes we carry the spirit of the Dragon through our veins. My brother and I are bastards ourselves." Viserys hums.

"I know of a man with 100,000 men. An army that would crush the Baratheons and the Lannisters."

"Is that so?" Carra nods. "Khal Drogo, owes me."

"What will he bargain for?" The prince was desperate to make it back to King's Landing, and he will do anything to get there. No matter how hopeless the way may be. Carra's eyes drift to Daenerys once more. "A wife." Viserys follows her gaze and looks back at Carra.

"Can I trust you?"

Not much more needed to be said when her leather-gloved hand shook his. Daenerys didn't appreciate being sold off in front of her, but it would take quite some time for this marriage to be arranged.

In the coming moons, Daenerys watched Carra. At night she'd look at the Narrow Sea, or simply sit anywhere and stare at the setting sun. One night, she became curious and went outside after her. "What is so compelling about the sunset that you wish to see it every night?" Carra didn't jump at the princess's soft tone but smiled lightly and turned to look at her.

"When I was young, I lived in Winterfell. It's where my mother was born. She was visiting my grandmother when she met my father. Up until my 15th name day, I'd never seen the sun. It was either gloomy and wet or snowy and wet." Daenerys chuckles, walking over. Carra scoots over so she can sit on the bench.

"I watch the sunset now because it brings me peace. Before I was told my birthright, I was a blacksmith in my younger years. That sounds insane, right? Six-year-old forges weapons fit for the Stark boys." She scoffs, looking back out to the sea. "Starks. If I were born Carra Tiren as I wished, my life would've been so simple."

"You don't know that."

"Oh, I do." She looks back over at her. "But you will never know. You are a Targaryen."

"And yet, you wield our weapon. Doesn't that make you a Targaryen, too? By default." She smiles, and Carra smiles back. "Blackfyre was wielded by Aegon the Conqueror and has been passed down for 200 years. It was hidden until my brother died at the hands of the King himself." The girl's hand drifts to Carra's knee.

"I'm sorry." Carra covers her hand with her own. "Don't be." She retracts it and leans back. "That oaf is paranoid. So convinced that even the bastard kin of a bastard would ever wish to rule."

"But I heard it was your birthright." Carra chuckles, nodding. "The Blackfyre Pretenders. Jaehaerys made sure that never continued." She sighs. "But enough politics. You asked me about my interest in the sunset?" She receives a nod in response.

"Well, when we moved to King's Landing, Daemon would climb onto the highest of buildings and watch it. We were there for my uncle, and there was nothing for us in Winterfell. We'd sneak into the brothels as we became grown."

"Brothels?" Daenerys smirks.

"We only watched. Daemon found a strange interest in larger women with humongous breasts." The girl beside her laughs. "My Gods, they were, just-" She chuckles, and the girl watches as Carra gains her mental image. "You'd be amazed."

"Would I?"

"Yeah." She pauses, a thought on her tongue. "God, I was knighted under my mother's name. Ser Carra Tiren."

"I thought you didn't use her name."

"We did, for a while. It was because of where we were. As I said, the oaf is quite paranoid. We were exposed as Maelys' grandchildren. My brother was no fighter, simply a butcher, and my mother helped my uncle with his tavern. They were executed, and I watched in disguise. "Anyone with the blood of a Targaryen, whether thick or thin, will die before me." He said. Takes the throne and kills the ones who have the right to be on it. Spoken like a true king, a true usurper." The girl silently watches as Carra's eyes fall to the ground.

"Your family did not deserve to be executed, and it is not your fault." Carra clenches her jaw.

"He thought we would challenge. How? My brother was not fit to be king. He was no warrior—a skinny boy with unreliable eyes and frail hands. I was taller and stronger, he was nothing but a sweet man. How could he look at him and think he even wanted to be on a throne? It should've been me."


"I-When this is all over, and Viserys drives a sword through Robert's heart, I will live on a beach. Daemon wished to live on a beach."

"Maybe I could come with you." Carra scoffs playfully, and she looks at Daenerys. "You? The delicate flower? You'd leave your brother to be on your own?" The girl wanted to be offended, but Carra's smile made it hard.

"Yes! I am my own person." Carra nods with a smirk. "Yeah, sure. But, I must warn you, princess, I am boring." Daenerys scoffs. "After all you've just told me, you think yourself boring spilling out your life story?" Carra shrugs.

"My brother had fun. He was handsome enough, so the young girls would fawn over him. He had friends and went to parties in the woods. I sat at home and read. No boys liked me, although that never mattered much to me. Aside from my knighthood, I was pretty quiet, I had one friend."

"Well, tell me about them." Carra chuckles. "Her name was Alise. She was so smart, so cunning. We met when I first moved to King's Landing. I was ten, Daemon was twelve. One day a lord came and asked for me and my boss, Geron, to forge a sword fit for a warrior. For a fortnight, we worked. He paid extra and on breaks while he spoke to Geron, Alise, and I played. We were friends until my family's execution. We saw each other one last time before I fled."

Although Carra didn't believe Daenerys to be completely idiotic, she just didn't want the princess to know of her dalliances. "I hear she is married to some pig in Casterly Rock." She turns toward Daenerys entirely. "Why did you come out here? You should be asleep."

The blonde stares into Carra's brown eyes. "I don't know. I was curious as to why you spend your nights out here."

"Well, I'm glad. I've never told a stranger my life story." The girl smiles, holding Carra's hand in hers. "You are no longer a stranger, Carra. You are a friend."

"I don't have many of those."

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