"The contestants for the P1 Grand Prix are about to enter the ring!" the announcer said as the Pokéball in the center opened up to reveal, "Introducing the #1 contender the Fighting Machine Hitmonchan & his trainer Anthony."

On the other side is a tall man with a humanoid-like Pokémon with an ovoid body & coiled spring-like legs, "And the challenger the Kicking Fiend Hitmonlee along with its trainer Giant."

The two waved to the crowd.

Willow scanned Hitmonlee

Hitmonlee, the Kicking Pokémon. Hitmonlee can extend its legs like springs to deliver kicks with tremendous force. It's always careful to stretch & loosen up after battle.

"And in this corner, we have two new Pokémon trainers competing here in their P1 debut. Please welcome Yuki & Brock." The two waved to the crowd as Yuki was wearing a different outfit.

" The two waved to the crowd as Yuki was wearing a different outfit

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"Ladies & Gentlemen, the P1 Grand Prix is about to begin. For our first match, we have Machop. What Pokémon will Yuki use?" the announcer said as Yuki pulled out her Pokédex

Machop, the Superpower Pokémon. Machop's muscles are special—they never get sore no matter how much they are used in exercise. This Pokémon has sufficient power to hurl a hundred adult humans.

"Tyson, let's go!" Yuki sent out Tyson.

"Mankey," Tyson appeared.

"Machop use Karate Chop," Machop's trainer said.

Machop's hand glowed & karate-chopped Tyson multiple times.

"Now Seismic Toss." Machop grabbed Tyson, jumped high in the air, & tossed him out of the ring.

"Tyson!" Yuki caught her Pokémon in her arms. "Are you okay?"

"Mankey," Tyson nodded.

"Alright good. We're not gonna quit," Yuki said as Tyson went back into the ring. "Tyson Scratch let's go."

Tyson's fingers glowed white & scratched Machop.

"Mega Kick." Tyson's foot became surrounded by red energy & kicked Machop which caused it to faint.

"Machop is down & out. Mankey wins the battle," the announcer said as the audience cheered.

"That Mankey's really tough," Anthony said.

"Monchan," Hitmonchan nodded.

The next match was between Machoke & Hitomlee. 

"I hope Brock will be okay," Rebecca said.

"Me too," Willow said.

But Machoke was getting destroyed by Hitmonlee, making the girls wince & Brock forfeited.

"Machoke I'm sorry," Brock said as he helped Machoke up. "Are you alright?"

"Ma," Machoke apologized.

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