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It was lunch and everyone was talking about how cool their Halloween costumes were, and how they couldn't wait to show them off.

"I'm going to be dressed up as a cowgirl!" said Clarice's best friend Vivian.

"I am going to be a blood sucking alien," said Josh.

"Who are you for Halloween Clarice? You always have such great ideas that impress us all," said Vivian.

"I am going to be one of those psychopaths on those criminal shows, they always seem interesting," said Clarice.

"That's going to be awesome," Josh said, sounding interested.

"Yeah, I already have all the props I need for my costume," said Clarice, with a little excitement in her tone of voice.

The rest of lunch they talked about were to trick or treat together, so that they could get the best candy. By the end of lunch they had decided to go down maple st. and they head towards the old abandoned manor.


After school, Clarice quickly ran home to start putting her costume together. Her mother worked for a store that sold lots of Halloween decorations, costumes, and props. The owner of the store had given Clarice a discount on everything because she helped around the store throughout the year when she had time.

She came upon her house and saw all the decorations already up, her mom loved to get creative on holiday decorations and this time she had gone all out. She looked at the flashing skeleton lights that made it look like skeletons were dancing on their roof. In her front yard were big spider webs on the trees with a few spiders on them, and the plastic graves with the fake zombie hand going in and out of the fake dirt to make it look like they were trying to get out. Her house walls had little pumpkin lights all over, making the house very visible at night.

She went inside to find her mom making the graveyard dirt cupcakes, they were chocolate cupcakes with cookie crumbs on top. Her mom was now adding on the little gravestones made out of fondant.

"Hello honey, I'm making your favorite cupcakes," she said with a smile.

"They look delicious mom, I can't wait until they're done. Your baking is the best!" said Clarice, still looking down at the cupcakes.

"Your father is waiting for you upstairs. He already has all the supplies to start making your costume," said her mom, still fumbling with the little tombstones.

Clarice hugged her mom and ran upstairs into the craft room, where she found her dad waiting with everything out and ready. He was sleeping in his chair in the corner like usual, the tv was playing an old football game from last year. She went over to home and shook him a little, he woke up with a fright and smiled when he saw her.

"Sorry hunny, I fell asleep after I had set up," he said, rubbing his drowsy eyes.

"It's ok dad, now let's get to work!" said Clarice, already starting to piece together some props.

They worked for hours on the costume, Clarice's had always been grateful because her parents had always helped her with making her Halloween costume. Her dad was on the sewing machine, while she was making a new prop out of some props that had been lying around the back of the store. Clarice had asked the store manager if she could have them, and he agreed saying that nobody wanted to buy them anyway. Now she was making new use of the old props, they were starting to form a few little containers to which she could use to put some slimes in to make it look like little test tubes.

A little later her mom called her and her dad down because dinner was ready. They both raced each other down, looking for the plate with the most food. Her mom had gone to school for cooking and baking, her food was always delicious. Clarice and her dad would often playfully argue over who got the last desert, it would always end up in Clarice getting it no matter what though. Clarice now had the fullest plate in her sight, but before she could reach for it her dad had grabbed it and was now sitting down at the table eating. Clarice now had a plate and when she was finished eating, she grabbed one of the graveyard dirt cupcakes that her mom had made earlier.

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