The Walk to School

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She blinked her eyes open, trying to make shapes out while they adjusted. She was sitting in a chair, her hands tied behind her and her legs were zip tied together. The dark figure loomed over in the corner of the room, she could make out the tall slim body shape. Then, the figure started to move towards her slowly, and now she could see who her captor was.

A few days earlier...

Clarice was walking down the street on her way to school, Halloween was around the corner and she was excited to show off her costume to her friends. She turned a corner to see someone standing in front of her.

"Excuse me sir, could you please move? I don't want to be late to school," she asked with a little bit of anxiousness in her voice.

The figure stepped to the side, making it so that Clarice couldn't see his face. She quickly walked past the man, and headed towards school. She had noticed how shady the man was, but a lot of people in the neighborhood seemed shady, but were actually really nice. Clarice decided to pay no mind to him, so she just continued walking to school before she was late.

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