Snow Day

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Corey POV

I woke up to my usual 6AM alarm, something felt different today though..

I opened my blinds and was greeted by.. SNOW!


I cheered and texted the fellow Grojbandians.


Lanes: SNOW DAY!!

Kon: NO



I threw my phone on my bed and got ready, I quickly brushed my teeth and got on my winter clothes.

I finished it off with my signature orange beanie and ran to the Groj to wait for the others.

The second I sat down the Groj door opened, it was Lanes, Kin, and Kon!

"Are you guys ready for the AWESOMEST SNOW DAY EVER!" I said as I jumped up off of the couch.

"Woo!" Lanes cheered.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Kin asked.

"LETS GET SNOWY!!" Kon yelled.

We went out to my backyard and Kon faceplanted into the snow the second the door opened.

We all ran around the yard, just soaking up the bliss of the snow.

"Core? Wanna make a snow man?" Lanes asked as she stood in front of me.

"Sure Lanes, let's get this snow rolling!" I said as I started rolling the snow, I love my puns.

Laney laughed as she rolled some snow as well.

Snowy snow transition!

"And.. done!" I said as I put some rocks on the snowman as eyes.

"There's one more thing Core.." Laney said smirking, she took my beanie off and put it on the snowman.

"Now it looks like you!" She smiled, I felt my cheeks heat up but I ignored it and smiled back.

I looked over to see Kin with a magnifying glass, analyzing something.

Lanes and I walked over to Kin to see what he was doing, "What are you doing Kin?" Lanes asked.

"Looking at snowflakes." He responded.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" I said as I stuck my tongue out and ran around the yard, trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue.

"Wait up Core!" Laney said as she stuck her tongue out and ran around the yard.

I looked up and focused on a certain snowflake, it was so close!

I ran to catch it, just when I got there I was met with a warm, soft feeling..

I looked away from the sky, confused, and met with Laney's eyes..

We were both blushing like never before, we made direct eye contact, we let this go on for a few more seconds before we both pulled away.

Laney and I couldn't speak, we just stood there, trying to process everything.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach.. but it felt good..

"Woooow.." Was all I could make out before snapping back into reality.

"Uh- sorry Laney.." I said blushing.

"No it was-" Laney stopped mid sentence, we stared into each other's eyes and smiled.

This felt weirdly right.. was this.. love?

Corey X Laney One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now