We were backing up towards the opened door

Eugene: probably better off this is a five star joint after all and if you can't handle this place then you both should head back to your tower..!

Soon the door slammed shut making me protectively wrap my arms around Kerrigan even more

Vladimir: is this you...

Eugene lifted the finger from the nose area

Eugene: oh now their just being mean..!

Me: Flynn...

Hookhand: ohh it's him alright! Gretta go find me some guards..!

I reached to Flynn as he was being pinned with a hook to his face

Kerrigan: don't do it varian...

She whispered to me and I whimpered nuzzling my face into her hair as I held her close as she hugged me

Hookhand: that rewards gonna buy me a new hook..!

Atilla: what about me I could use some money!

Vladimir: what about me I'm broke..! Get back I'm broke!

They fought over him

Rapunzel: no stop..!

Eugene: hey fellas we can work this out!

Rapunzel: hey leave him alone..!

I nuzzled into kerrigan close as we both tightly shut our eyes I could feel her tears dripping onto my shirt 'she's never experienced something this I have a few times but have never had anyone to hold... Not like this anyways..!'

Eugene: ugh... Please!

Rapunzel: give us back our guide!! You ruffians!

Eugene: please not the nose not the nose not the nose..!

Rapunzel just then used her hair to snap a branch on hookhands head

Rapunzel: PUT HIM DOWN! Ok... I don't know where we are and I really need him to take us to see the lanterns because me and Kerrigan have been dreaming about them our entire lives..! Find your humanity-!

Me and Kerrigan looked at Rapunzel as she shouted I joined her

Me: yeah haven't any of you had a dream?!

I shouted finishing her sentence their gazes turned to me and hookhand approached Rapunzel his axe pulled out making me gasp and nuzzle back into Kerrigan

Hookhand: I had a dream once...

He through the axe at the wall the sound making me look up as an accordion player started to play

Hookhand: (-I'm malicious, mean and scary..! My sneer could curdle dairy... And violence wise, my hands are not the cleanest! But despite my evil look- and my temper, and my hook-! I've always yearned to be a concert pianist! Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart~! Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam~?? Yep, I'd rather be called deadly..! For my killer show tune medley! Thank you..! 'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream~!-)

Everyone: (-he's got a dream..! he's got a dream!-)

Hookhand: (-see, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem..! Though I do like breaking femurs~! You can count me with the dreamers! Like everybody else I've got a dream~-)

Bignose: (-I've got scars and lumps and bruises..! Plus something here that oozes... And let's not even mention my complexion~ but despite my extra toes- and my goiter, and my nose-! I really wanna make a love connection~ can't you see me with a special little lady~! Rowing in a rowboat down the stream~?? Though I'm one disgusting blighter..! I'm a lover, not a fighter! 'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream~ I've got a dream!!-)

varian x mainOC(tangled movie AU)Where stories live. Discover now