Lotus closed his eyes, resting the back of his head against the leather seat. Not even three seconds later his cellphone went off as it constantly did lately, due to how busy he always was. Oh my fucking God! Lotus thought to himself, irritated. He didn't want to have an outburst in front his driver so he held it together. 

Instead he huffed, clenched his jaws and whipped his phone out. He saw SF on the screen which was short for Scarface. He answered the phone, getting really annoyed by her. She'd been calling religiously now. 

He knew they shared a kid, but she was starting to call recklessly and whenever she pleased. It was like she was hoping to do it when Lisa was around. If that was the case the joke was on her because he never left his second phone lying around. And even if he did, Lisa knew better than to pick his phone up. It had a passcode on it anyway. 

Lotus answered the phone with clear displeasure. "What the fuck do you want? Why do you keep calling me?"

"Because we share a child and we have to keep in contact!"

Lotus closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. This bitch was getting on his last nerve. He chose to ignore her statement and stay quiet, waiting for her to continue.

"Anyways, I might take Gene to a specialist some time in the week."

"So go, what the hell did you need to call me for?"

"Because you should be here, you're his father. Why is that your first response—so go? It should've been to ask if he was okay."

"You said you might go to a specialist with him some time in the week. That indicates it's not important, else you would've said you were going immediately. So from that obvious statement I assumed he was okay. Then again I'm talking to someone who was passed around by so much men, all that cum might be blocking your ability to understand even the shit you say." 

"Can you stop being so crass for one second?" 

"Then stop being annoying. Stop calling my phone unnecessarily. You don't mean anything to me, we are not friends. If nothing is wrong with my son and he doesn't require my immediate attention, then don't call me. I will make my way to Dallas when I see fit, unless an emergency is happening. Take him to the specialist and send me the invoice of his care bill if that's what you're trying to ask me."

"It's not a doctor's visit Lotus," Ty'kerah cried hysterically, sucking in air between her rants. "It's to help him cope. He's miserable now. He cries for you everyday. He's been crying for the whole week. Why does my son have to go through this? What did he ever do to anyone?! He's terrified and can't understand what's wrong with himself."

Lotus had an extreme soft spot for Gene. Hearing that, he didn't say anything right away. Ty'kerah knew he was contemplating coming to see him.

"You know why this is happening, we've been informed since he was one-years-old. Why are you acting like it's a mystery?"

"Why are you being so calm about it?" She squealed, sniffling her snot back up her nose.

"So how should I be? What can I do to combat what's happened to him?" Lotus questioned sarcastically. 

Ty'kerah sniffled, ignoring him. "Do you want to speak to him?"

"Yeah, put him on the phone."

There was some fumbling in the background before Lotus heard his son's whiny voice on the line. He didn't think he was actually crying right then in the moment. 

"Daddy!" Gene was hollering, he was hysterical. Lotus's heart always warmed hearing his child address him as such. It was a break from the Mr. Lotus stuff. 

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