"Have you seen Thor?"

"Yeah, but have you seen Captain America." Louis answered with his usual tone of sass and sarcasm.

"Captain America is hotter!" My hands flew out to my sides, emphasising my point.

"Thor." Louis replied, waving his finger in the air and turning to look at the front of the classroom.

The rest of the lesson was monotone as always.

Until the end: "Right, guys. I'm sure you are aware that I need to give you a mark at the end of this term. This will depend on how you complete your project. The subject is the American Dream in The Great Gatsby, which we have been studying this term. You will get two weeks to complete this project, the brief is on this sheet." Our English teacher passed out a piece of paper to each student. "Oh. And you need a partner."

At this, Louis head snapped in my direction. He wore a smirk on his lips, his eyes glimmering with mischief.

"Oh no." I sighed.

"Oh yes." His smirk grew wider as he turned around to face the table behind us. "Hey, Niall!"

"Oh my God." I muttered under my breath, supporting my bowed head with my palm.

"Come over here." He beckoned the blond boy.

Students were now milling around the classroom, emitting quiet chatter.

Niall walked over to our table with his head ducked a little low, clutching his black bag with his fingers tightly, so his bones almost turned his pale skin white.

"Liam here is need of a partner, and I'm sure you'll fit perfectly." And with that, Louis briskly hopped away, winking in the process.

I sighed deeply. "Hi."

"Hello." A quiet mutter, but an answer nonetheless.

"So, uh, would you like to partner up?"


"Okay, well if you sit down, we can get started on some ideas."

He nodded, settling down on the chair next to me.

I took my piece of paper with the brief and read it through, as Niall did the same with his.

"Okay, doesn't seem to be too hard. What format shall we do?"

"We could do a Powerpoint." He suggested almost silently, shrugging his shoulders.

"Great. How about we write down some ideas?"

For the last ten minutes, Niall and I discussed our project.

Well, mainly I did, Niall just wrote down his thoughts, he didn't seem to be too keen on talking a lot.

"That's really good." I grinned, looking at our mind map.

His head tilted a little in my direction, away from the downwards position it was kept in for most of the time we spent together. A small smile made its way onto his pale face, a corner of his mouth turning up.

And I finally got a good luck at the boy that was Niall Horan.

His eyes were baby blue, bright and colourful compared to his pale complexion and blond hair. His nose was small, and his cheeks wore a permanent rosiness. Blond roots showed a little through blond tufts of hair formed into a quiff that seemed soft enough to brush your fingers through.



Which, in one way was lucky but in another, I was doomed.

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