Chapter 5: Fine(?) Dining

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We ended up in a restaurant, red carpet beneath our feet and round tables surrounded by chairs. We made sure that everyone was accounted for, and scouted around for food. "It's a restaurant, so there should be something edible," Newt reasoned. We were able to get into the kitchen and found that the stoves were working. Clair found some frozen meat and vegetables, and told us that she knew how to cook. "I used to help my family out with huge gatherings, so I know my way around the kitchen." Newt also offered to help as he knew how to cook as well.

After about half an hour later, food was served. Everything Clair and Newt made looked appetizing, from the meat to the vegetables. Clair was even able to find the materials for noodles, and we ate happily. This was the best meal we've had so far, and we enjoyed every second of it. We broke some chairs apart for makeshift weapons by using chair legs and metal scraps so that no one was unarmed. Axel stated that the next level we would go to was the one we needed to reach.

We were able to make sturdy weapons for all of us, and refilled our water bottles with almond water that flowed from the taps. There were luckily no entities in this level, so we made sure we were prepared. The meal prepared by Newt and Clair gave all of us renewed energy, and we were ready to face any challenges we may come across.

Note: Yeyeye I finally uploaded woohoo
Sorry for the 2 month hiatus but I just didn't feel like writing. I'm back now tho so ye

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