< Moody Practice >

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Atsumu gathered Komori and Suna together and started whispering.

"Does he not know about the situation right now? Why is he adding fuel to the fire?!"

"I-I have no idea, Atsumu. He was kind of friendly with (Y/N) because she was her first friend. So this is normal?"

"Well I don't think so. Anyway, Atsumu let go of your hands. You're suffocating us for goodness sake"

After the three of them were back to their normal positions, they turned their heads only to witness Sakusa standing in front of Kiran.

Sakusa: What are you doing with my girlfriend?

Kiran: I was just suggesting us to get a drink. Is it not okay for friends to do that with each other?

Sakusa: Not with an opposite sex

Kiran: Dudeee you're overthinking.

Sakusa: And that's totally normal for me. Why? Cause I'm her boyfriend and her safety is my priority.

Suna: Um..Sakusa-kun. Do you mind playing a round with me-

Sakusa: Not now Suna. I'm dealing with this piece of germ that won't leave my girl alone-

(Y/N): Uhh, why don't we listen to Suna? Omi-kun, it's been awhile since we play with them so why not?

Sakusa's eyes widen at the suggestion made by (Y/N). He slowly backed away from Kiran and picked up a volleyball on the way. Well, at least the plan work to prevent him from going coo-coo.

Sakusa: I agree. But on one condition Suna.

Sakusa went over to Suna's side and whispered in his ear.

Sakusa: I'm not really in the mood to deal with anyone right now, espicially Atsumu. So, my playing might get sloppy. Therefore, let me be with my setter during the entire play.

Suna: U-Uh yeah. That was the plan, was it not?

Sakusa let out a chuckle and walked towards (Y/N). Her head tilted to one side and let out a confused look.

(Y/N): What did you two talked about? Something interesting is going on?

Sakusa pat her head and reassured her.

Sakusa: Nothing is going on, my love. Well then, shall we get started?

-5:39 p.m.-

Sakusa: That was a foul, Atsumu.

Suna: Well according to the rules, that's acceptable.

Atsumu: It is?

Suna: Not really, you silly buffoon. Thanks to you, we lost another point. Again.

Komori: The set is finished. And the winner goes to...the unstoppable duo once again!!


Her sentence got cut off when Kiran came over once again.

Kiran: Good game, (Y/N)! Are you thirsty? We can go and grab a drink.

From afar, Sakusa was watching them. He got up from the floor which he was resting on and was heading towards the locker room.

"Kiran is provoking me. I cannot let (Y/N) down again by being stubborn and letting my anger out easily. That's just stupid-"

Sakusa's thought was cut off when his shirt was tugged by someone, he turned his head around and was face to face with (Y/N).

(Y/N): Let's go!

Sakusa: Huh? To where?

(Y/N): Grab a drink at the vending machine? You look tired and so am I. Let's go and refresh.

Sakusa's eyes was busy searching for Suna and Atsumu when it suddenly came in contact with Kiran's. Kiran's eyes look so sad.

Did (Y/N) rejected his offer?

Sakusa didn't care what happened to their conversation. He just smirked and let (Y/N) take the lead.

-At the vending machine, 5:50 p.m.-

Sakusa: Oh, you remembered my favourite drink?

(Y/N): What are you talking about? Of course I should. You're my best friend before becoming my boyfriend.

Sakusa: Oh nothing. It's just that I thought you forgot about it after hanging out with Kiran more.

(Y/N): Omi-chan, stop being jealous. It's cute and frustrating at the same time.

Sakusa: Omi-chan.

(Y/N): Hmm?

Sakusa: You called me other nicknames just now when we're going to play against the foxes.

(Y/N): Haha, you noticed? I thought I'd get away with it.

Sakusa: I noticed every detail about you.

(Y/N): That's sweet of you, babe.

Sakusa: On second thought, I like this nickname better.

(Y/N) gave him a peck on the lips and smiled.

(Y/N): Well then, I guess I should stop calling you that so you'd beg me for more.

Sakusa: Oh. That was. Surprising.

(Y/N): I'm a girl full of surprises, haha.

Sakusa: Sure. And I'm in love. What a surprise.

//Book 2// Just her, no one else// Sakusa×Reader// Trouble is here!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora