Chapter 6: Secrets of the diamond

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Bowser Jr: Well.... I trust your instincts, Sage, and don't worry we'll find her I hope we can find answers.

Bowser Jr then places his hand on Sage's shoulder causing her to smile as the two briefly giggle. However they heard a familiar voice.

???: Well looks you two are having fun.

That voice was Wendy as she and the other Koopalings, Orbot, and Cubot appeared much to Junior and Sage's shock.

Bowser Jr: What?! How long have you guys been listening!

Wendy: Long enough ever since Lord Bowser and Eggman yelled at us while you two get special privileges.

Cubot: Yeah how is it fair that Sage os treated like she's the Doctor's child while we don't?

Junior and Sage have complete annoyed looks on your faces.

Wendy: So what are you two doing now? You in love or something?

(*Cues: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Pastorale Rondo (Flute)*)

Wendy's question causes the Prince and the AI to blush furiously.

Bowser Jr and Sage: HUH?!

Bowser Jr: Hey you shut up we're not in love!!

Roy: Oh really? Because ever since you two started working together you seem to be VERY close!

Bowser Jr: Okay and that doesn't mean we're in love with each other!

Orbot: You're right, especially since Sage is an AI and therefore as an AI cannot fall in love!


Cubot: That's interesting because you never said something about that with Metal Sonic. Sage must be so special in this case.

Bowser Jr gets angrier

Bowser Jr: Metal Sonic can't even talk let alone feel! And besides that doesn't prove we are in love!!

Sage: Stop it with this nonsense we are not in love. Bowser Jr and I simply have a special bond with each other that makes relatable you two, Metal Sonic, and the rest of Father's creations couldn't dare bother trying to bond with him once. Coldly stares at Orbot and Cubot. No wonder you disappoint Father so much.

Orbot and Cubot are shocked by Sage's words.

Larry: Wow that's cold. So cold.

Ludwig: Sage clearly must've done something to you if she replaces Metal Sonic of all people to be your partner, Jr so you two have to be in love.

As the conversation goes on Junior and Sage grow more and more irritated until they've had enough.

Bowser Jr and Sage: WE'RE NOT IN LOVE!!!

We cut to a shot of the Koopalings, Orbot and Cubot being sent flying out of the room. Jr and Sage then take a breather and leave having knocked out their "siblings".

(*Cues: Apotos Day - Sonic Unleashed*)

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