Chapter 4: Bowser Jr and Sage

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We cut to a seen on one of the ships but we find out that Bowser Jr, the Koopalings, Kamek, Orbot, Cubot, and Metal Sonic are on that ship.

Bowser Jr: Wow this Senso guy really knows how to combine ships doesn't he? We can go on vacation if we wanted too.

Kamek: Yes my prince it is indeed amazing.

As the Koopalings start fighting Jr then stares outside the window at someone.

Kamek: What is it my Koopa Prince?

Jr was actually staring outside the window looking at the deck and notices Sage standing there.

Kamek: Is something the matter my prince?

Bowser Jr then stutters.

Bowser Jr: Oh uh it's nothing... I-I want to go outside real quick.

Bowser Jr than ran outside and slammed the door much to the confusion of everyone else.

Wendy: He's been pretty strange lately.

(*Cues: Starfall Islands theme - Sonic Frontiers*)

Bowser Jr runs outside to meet with Sage but the Koopa Prince is nervous.

Bowser Jr: Hey uhh... Sage right?

Sage: Bowser Jr, Son of Bowser the King of the Koopas, and Prince of the Koopa Kingdom, correct?

Bowser Jr is then surprised with the AI.

Bowser Jr: Wow you sure know that much huh.

Sage turns around.

Sage: I looked into my father's data and found information about Bowser and his Koopa army and the encounters they have with the red Italian plumber Mario.

Bowser Jr: Yeah Dad and Eggman are really great friends, together combined they are brains and brawn incarnate but of course you know... Mario and Sonic just had to ruin everything.

As Bowser Jr says this he sadly walks up next to Sage.

Sage: You seem proud to be Bowser's son and a Prince but I get the feeling you have some doubt in you..

Bowser Jr: Eh it feels like every time I fail I feel like I'm a burden to my dad.... When my Dad told me that Princess Peach was my mama I knew it was a lie yet despite that I kidnapped her for him anyway because... Because.... I

Sage: You want to make him proud, don't you?

Bowser Jr: Yeah but every time I fight the Mario Bros I end up failing and as a result I failed my dad. I feel like I failed him.

Sage: Bowser Jr. You are not a burden. When your father was corrupted and became Fury you asked Mario for your help despite being enemies in the past. That alone shows you were willing to do whatever it takes to help your father and you succeeded in turning him back to normal. You are not a burden, Bowser Jr, if it weren't for you teaming up with Mario to help, your father would not be here right now. Don't let yourself down as your father is proud of you.

Bowser Jr: You mean it?

Sage: Yes, I do. You and I are the same, both of us want to make our fathers proud and we'd go to any lengths to help and protect them even if it means teaming up with their mortal enemies.

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