Chapter 3: The village of Nun

Start from the beginning

Sonic: Wow you sure outdid once again, Tails.

Tails: with this we should be able to travel any place we want.

Luigi: A bit of a warning though it's not working as much not yet we're still for more fuel from E. Gadd so we'll only have enough for 2 travels.

Mario: Well 2 trips is enough for now we'll just go there and back.

Sonic: And afterwords we'll refill it for when we find the rest of the diamonds.

Shadow: One more thing I have contacted a few people in both our worlds and realities asking for reinforcements. They'll arrive later but it will take some time.

The Mario and Sonic gang get on the ship as Katherine comes bye.

Katherine: Wait!

Mario: What is it Katherine?

Sonic: Didn't you say you're not coming?

Katherine: I did however I changed my mind, despite having a world map you'll need some extra help as I know my homeworld better than you guys. I hope it's okay with you.

Sonic: Sure thing.

Mario: Yeah we really appreciate your help.

After Katherine gets on the ship, it takes off at full speed.

Bowser and Eggman's fortress

(*Cues: Mysterious of Bowser's Castle - Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam*)

Meanwhile at Bowser and Eggman's fortress we see Bowser Jr running towards them.

Bowser Jr: Hey Dad, Doctor you have a mission for me?

Bowser: Yes this one is important so listen very carefully. We just go word from one of Senso's assistance is that one of the diamonds has been found

As Bowser says this, Eggman pulls out the world map.

Eggman: It's located here on this continent called Jachai, we must find the diamond and retrieve it.

Bowser Jr: Didn't Senso said to stand and guard them once we find them.

Eggman: Yes but after further discussion we thought it be best to just find the diamonds and bring it back, because it's safe to assume that Mario and Sonic and their friends know about the diamonds as well and are on the move to search for them as we speak.

Bowser Jr: But I thought Mario and Sonic don't know about this and the diamonds?

Bowser: We believe that too son but given our previous encounters with those chumps we can't except them to be in the dark forever they'll figure it out and once they do we can't take any chances which is why we need you to get to the first diamond before they do.

Bowser Jr: Got it. I'll gather the Koopalings and Eggman with your permission I'll have Metal Sonic as my partner-

Eggman: Actually there's someone else we want you to bring.

Bowser Jr: Huh? Who is it?

Bowser: Well Doc you gonna show him like you showed me?

Eggman: Yes right this way.

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