"Well thanks anyway Ace," I quickly say, a nervous smile playing on my lips. I can only hope Ace will just leave us in peace for tonight.

"I was going to ask you something, but I've managed to forget. Oh well, see you in the morning," he mused, giving me a sharp wave before slipping out the door. I closed the door before any loitering resistance members got a look in our room.

I turned to see Jaxon, his back pressed against the side of one of the beds. I watched, amused as he pushed it toward the other bed. The frame scraped across the wooden floor, making me cringe.

"Wait wait, do it again. I don't think the Nightmare pack heard you," I mutter, ambling over to him. Way to wake everyone next to us. He sits back down, catching his breath. He's still a little weak, making my heart clench for him.

I take a seat beside him, stretching my aching legs. The run over here was less than satisfactory, I must say.

"Ace likes you," I hear Jaxon say, waking me from my thoughts. He's looking down at his lap, his silver eyes lost and forlorn. I grab his hand off his lap, entwining his fingers with mine. His hands are warm and comforting, settling me for a moment.

I hate every minute he was in that coma. Especially since I was the reason....So seeing him safe now really lifts a load off my shoulders.

"But you love me, and I you. Therefore there is no competition," I murmur. He lifts his gaze, his emotions do obviously scattered. He's had a lot taken from him these past few days, so I'm surprised he's holding up.

I run the tip of my index finger down his jawline, feeling his lack of shaving workmanship. I'm almost too tired to deal with everything right now, and he's the only thing I can focus on, so I loft my lips to his.

It's different this time, knowing how he really feels about me. It's different knowing he's just like me, that there is no longer anything or anyone between us.

I move my lips with his, enjoying and savoring how safe and warm he is. His soft fingers caress the side of my face, pushing stray hairs from my ponytail away. I slowly lie back, not quite making it onto the pillow, while Jaxon throws his leg over my hips so he's straddling me.

He continues to kiss me passionately, and I let my hands wander from the back of his neck, to his soft, slightly overgrown hair. I let my issues fly from the room, as I concentrate fully on the man on top of me.

His hands move, squeezing my waist slightly, so I fidget under him. He's doing everything right, and I'm feeling inexperienced. I'm suddenly filled with apprehension, as he pulls away slightly.

I open my eyes, seeing Jax lift his shirt off, tossing it carelessly across the room. I don't have much time to admire his torso, before he stoops down, laying hid lips on my neck. My fingers trail over his bare skin, digging my nails into his shoulders when he unexpectedly flexes his hips against me.

"I can tell you're thinking too much, just relax," Jaxon murmurs sensual into my ear. My widened eyes flutter shut again, as I allow him to take control. He locks my wrists in his grasp, only needing to use one hand.

I can feel him against me, and it's awfully distracting, but once he begins to kiss me again, my mind drifts elsewhere. Soon though, his pace is feverish and overwhelming, and I feel him begin to tug my leggings down.

I want to move my hands, but he's trapped me, pinning my legs down with my own, and holding both my wrists with one hand. His other hand is touching me everywhere, leaving a hot trail in its path.

"Oh my lord...okay."

I gasp, as Jaxon instantly stops kissing me. His eyes glowing in irritation. He's obviously not too keen on being interrupted. I can't move to see who's walked on a shirtless Jaxon, and a pantless me. Jaxon doesn't make any move to let go of my wrists.

"What is it now Ace?"

"I forgot something," I hear Ace mutter. I struggle out of Jaxon's firm grasp, tryimg to shimmy my pants back up. I peer over Jaxon's shoulder, seeing Ace with his back to us.

"What do you want?"

I glare at Jaxon to be quiet, as he slides off me.

"Other than a mind eraser, Juliette, " Ace commented. Jaxon growls low in his throat, before spinning around. I watch the muscles in arms ripple as he clenched his fists tightly.

"I mean to talk to, not to pin down on a bed," Ace explained, his voice dry. I stand up, fixing my messy hair. Ace is stark white, obviously embarrassed about the intrusion. It's obvious Jaxon exceeds the limit of pissed off, and I can only hope Ace had a good excuse for barging in without knocking first. But his sarcasm never seems to surrender.

"Can you not just say it in front of me?"

"No Jaxon," Ace drawled. I pushed past my shirtless lover, and toward Ace. If Ace wanted to talk, it was probably important and I want to find out about it.

"Be quick, or I'll crush you," Jaxon warned. Ace rolled his eyes in response, obviously unfazed by Jaxon's warning.

"I'll take you seriously when you're an Alpha King again," Ace snapped. I blinked in shock at his brazen words. Jaxon may not have that title, but he does have that remaining strength. I push Ace away by the shoulders so he stumbles outside, giving a brooding Jaxon a moment to collect himself before he does something he will ultimately regret.

"Hurry, I'm not done with you yet," Jaxon muttered, turning his back and walking to the end of the room. I swallowed, then nodded even though he can't see me.

Silently, I slip out the room, and into the cool night. Ace is scuffing his feet across the ground, hands shoved in his pockets. I barely make it over to him before he starts talking.

"I've found a way for Jaxon to rule again..."

Long time, no see fellow readers.

I promise that when I'm back from travelling I will be making an official writing schedule that will fit in with my schooling, correspondence and outside writing :p

Wattpad is still my favourite hobby, so I won't be giving it up anytime soon.

Anywho, this chapter is dedicated to quite a throwback that I got reminded of in my dream last night.

Back during lipsync days earlier this year, my friend Nikita and I were walking to a friend's house to get ready. A couple days before, I had crippled myself by hauling my clumsy ass onto a rose bush and busting my knee. Nikita just needed to pee pretty badly.

So anyway, our friends house was a good 15 minutes trek from our school. Because Nikita is smart, she didn't use the bathroom at school, so she had to walk beside a hobbling me trying not to pee herself. I remember everything being funny, making Nikita's job of not peeing harder, while I was trying to concentrate on crossing roads safely and not plummeting to my death because I have bad luck. Bearing in mind the fact that I looked like a demonic crab as I tried too keep up with my friends while favoring a bad leg.

There was pizza at her house anyway, so I suppose it's worth it.

Cool beans, thank you all for the comments and votes, it's awesome, and I'm forever grateful. (:

Snapchat : midikacrane
Instagram : divine_endearment

~Midika ♡

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