Dr. Iplier

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Dark went to his room and blew his nose a few times. He knew very well that Y/n was getting cold medicine. He'd just insist that he doesn't need it.

He sighed and coughed lightly a few times before opening his door and heading out. He almost made it to the stairs before he ran into Dr. Edward Iplier. God FUCKING dammit! Not him! Anyone but him!

"You okay there?"

"I'm fine! Leave me alone!"

Wilford walked up to them. "Damien—I mean— Dark has a c—" Dark pinched him. "Oww! Ccccleaning issue! He hasn't been dusting recently and now his nose is paying the price!"

"Yeah? Dark, is this true?"

"Y–yes! I... H'ghn'chxt! Sndf!"

"Bless you. But Dark... it doesn't sound like it's from dust... It sounds like you've been sneezing quite a while."

"I have! I've been sneezing since this morning because there's just so much dust!" Edward raised an eyebrow. "I have! I'm—... H'gnh'chu!"

"Don't stifle."

"Sorry... Force of habit..." He sniffled, which caused a short, rapid fit.

"I'll get you a tissue."

"I dohd't deed ode..."


"I. Doh'd. Deed. Ode."

"You sure about that? I can barely understand you."

"Jusd goh away..."

"Fine." He raised his arms in defense and walked off.

"Ugh. Fiddally..." He coughed harshly into his fist, earning a glance from Edward. "Sdubid dusd..." he muttered, trying to convince him that it was only dust, even though it wasn't. However, it seemed to work for now, and Edward left the room.

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