Chapter 3

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Cale walked steadily in the dense forest, hands holding, Hong and On sat on his shoulder telling him where to go

His body just doing all the little girl's commands while Cale's thoughts flew somewhere else

Since the day of his death, Cale is been panicking like crazy, thinking what ifs

But now that his mind is clear again big doubt crept inside of him

It's been days.. is no one looking for him?

Well not that Cale is expecting something but.. he is still a noble, isn't he?

Or maybe he just did a very good job at doing his things that no one even cares about if he's still alive anymore?

He's not sad he's just confused

He's not looking for something he can't have again It's too late.

Too late.


Cale stops abruptly and looks at the silver cat, eyes looking confused "Where here!" Hong said eyes filled with joy

He and his sister are going to buy food! with Cale of course! Hong couldn't be happier

The two cats jump in Cale's grasp and change to their human forms wearing tattered clothes.

Cale already sees their clothes but he still can't help but raise a brow looking at two little cute kids with a rag of clothing

[let's buy clothes first?] Cale asks making the two nod happily, Cale pats their heads and looks at the small city

They're just on the border of Henituse County a place where the merchants stop to rest the night before going inside the county

Cale just visited this place three to four days a year, his father forbade him near the border, fearing he would run away and cause a ruckus somewhere he couldn't help him

His silly coward of a father.

Cale smiled at the thought and stepped out of the bushes. Cale prepares himself countless times before he meets people he's a ghost now so everything is different.

He walks in the flowing steps of bustling people in the area with on and hong in the front.

Then minutes passed...

Then an hour...

and nobody even notices him, Cale notices the two agitated kids looking at him, Cale just smiles at them and continues their shopping

After making sure he's okay the two children look at the store that sells clothes

They didn't see a bitter smile on Cale's face but it vanished just as it came and replace by a Soft one

He looks at the two children in front of him and smiles

He didn't lose anything...

He gained two companions...

Two companions who treat him well

Even though it's late and I deeply regret not meeting them sooner.. at least I got them now

He wouldn't lose anything...

After all, there's nothing left to lose now.

It's just he is dead now...

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