Chapter 2

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Kim Roksoo is a walking bad luck and it greatly affects him and the people he cares about

First his parents...

His teammates...

His hyungs...

And now


Afcours he cared for himself, he needed to protect himself from more work and pain in every minute of his life

And now he's dead

Currently looking at the unfamiliar place and...

A dead child. Well not dead but close

It's a dragon but still a child.

He could see the little shallow deep breaths as he walked closer to the little dragon

Who could do this to a little child?

What a cruel world...

As if sensing him the little creature opened his eyes with great difficulty

Kim Roksoo stop mid-step as he looked at the azure eyes clouded in deep despair, anger, betrayal, and hope staring at him

He couldn't believe he would see that on a child, a child that should have a pair of innocent eyes that were still blind in the cruel world.

"What an unusual pair of eyes," he said as he crunched down in front of the glaring eyes

He stares at it too before taking the little guy in his bosom and standing up

He couldn't leave a dying little child here

A child that still has a little hope in his eyes.

Kim Roksoo starts his journey while looking at some information as to where he is with a little fierce dragon on his side


If On would tell her past self that she would be burying a body of the fearsome trash of the count's family she bet her old self would be scared to death.

But here she is burying a body while smiling as she looks at the owner of the said body playing with her brother

The Cale henituse known as trash and arrogant noble they talk about is rolling in the ground with his brother but he still somehow looks elegant doing so

How could he do that?

Since the day she and Hong fled from the county, they experienced starvation more and grew more cautious, On could do nothing as she watched her brother becoming more and more mature.

It scares her more than a hidden danger in the dark part of the dreadful alleys.

On doesn't want his brother to see how the world works yet she experienced it firsthand since their parents passed away, and it wasn't a great experience

So seeing his brother laughing again On felt relief then she looked at Cale

'I don't mind adopting a ghost brother'

She thought and grinned suddenly

Cale looked at the cold stone in the cave his eyes narrowing, he caressed it once again and signs

He can touch it but he can't feel it

The temperature is lukewarm everywhere

He thought ghosts could walk through walls. And aren't ghosts supposed to float?

Cale looks at his feet in confusion, it's touching the ground. He couldn't see any gap in it

"Well you're the first ghost I see so I really couldn't tell the difference nya!" The little cat said

Cale looked at the cat beastman he couldn't still believe he would see one of those beastmans and a child at that,  pairs of wandering children...

Where are their parents? Do they know what's happening to their children?

But Cale didn't tell his concern to the siblings, they're not close yet and It would be awkward

And what if something happened to their parent? Or did their parents abandon them? Cale doesn't want to open the children's traumatic past

[Maybe this is just how ghost works?]

"Right! So don't worry Cale, sister and I already hid your body so no one will know you're dead if they see you!"

[Thank you... ] Cale said hiding his smile, this kid is cute but how could he say something so dark like it was nothing

Cale didn't want to know how much these children experience to be like this

But still, he's grateful that they help him knowing he's a trash

"So.. Let's go?" On said the three of them already decide to wander outside they would try and see if ghostCale can wander outside far from his dead body

Another thing Cale suggests as he read a few ghost stories before.

Cale looks at the bright entrance of the cave and nod

"Then let's buy something to eat too! Cale give me gold coins!! Sister we're rich now!!" Hong said wagging his tail and eyes sparking, On looked at Cale and nodded



I will update you when I finish writing a chapter like this one!

Yes, the author has a lot of free time
ᕦ( ͡͡~͜ʖ ͡° )ᕤ

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