(38) Sparks Fly

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Why am I so darn nervous....? I jogged ahead of him, watching as he kept his hand planted on his face. That's the same spot I touched earlier...could he be thinking about it too?

I drifted off into my thoughts.


"Oi, y/n. Where are you going idiot? The bus stop is right here." "Huh? Oh my god!" I watched in horror as the bus rounded the corner and I turned to face him. "Fuck!" He annoyingly gestured towards me. "Get your thick ass moving!"

Just in time, I rushed down the block frantically signaling to the bus driver to wait for us. Bakugo hurriedly took my hand and yanked me into the bus.

"G-good morning.." I panted. The bus driver simply nodded his head and spoke tiredly into the loudspeaker. "Everyone make room please and move to the back. Until you guys move the bus is not going anywhere. I can wait here all day, I have nothing important to do anyways..." We looked around. Holy hell the bus was PACKED.

"Move it!", Bakugo pushed through the crowd. "What are you doing?! You can't just push people around!" I whisper shouted into his ear. "Tch!" He seemingly ignored me until the bus took off and made me lose my footing. "Ahh!" Before I could fall he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the side of the bus. "Gosh, be more careful..dumbass.."

I silently looked into his eyes, unaware of what to say. Too close... I awkwardly blushed.

Why is he standing over me like that..?! Seriously, it makes me wanna kiss him so bad...Why does he have to look so hot in that position, it's not fair...! His muscles, spiky hair, cute expression and overwhelming height over me...This dumb hottie is making it so hard not to like him ughhhhhh!!


What the fuck. Why does she look so damn cute like that?! The hair in her face, the way she looks up at me, how tiny she is..she makes me wanna kiss her so fucking bad...

Shit, should I turn away...


I leaned forward a bit and slightly brushed my lips against hers, effectively making her eyes widen. "You...." I put my finger over her mouth. "Shut up.." But she stubbornly pushed my hand away as a series of red covered her cheeks. "Whaa- hey you did that on purpose didnt you?!" I laughed. "Maybe? What if I did? And I didnt hate it either.." She perked up. "Eh?!!"


"Hahahha look at your face, its all red! IMAGINE!" She protested "N-No its not!..and whatever, so is yours!!" She took a random long pause. "Bakugo...could you stop teasing me when you don't like me..? You wouldn't want me to get the wrong idea, would you?"

I paused in response. Wrong idea? "Tch..who said I dont like you?" She averted her eyes from me. "What..?" I bailed out. "K-kidding. Fat chance loser! I flicked her head. Now is not the time to confess or says something stupid..

"Owww! Katsuki that hurts ya know!" I flicked her head again, amused by her reaction. Cute.

Just as she opened her mouth to retort something at me the bus driver spoke through the loudspeaker. "This stop, UA high school!" "What? Already!" I leaned off her and grabbed her wrist. "Shit this is our stop! C'mon move it!"

You Belong With Me | bakugo x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora