Extra Kitanlo Info

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Kitanlo was actually a female and was adopted by the famous Butterfly Sisters from the Omido Clan when it was still around and well and was brought up by then like they were her true family but this lasted up until the day years later when the Kyubi was freed and attacked Kohana which resulted in the nearly fully complete destruction of the clan, Kitanlo rushed back as soon as possible to the remains of the Omido Clan's land and had to watch as both her sisters had died in his arms. After that she was furious and had ended up noticing the Kyubi was being controlled and spotted the Masked Man (Obito) off in the distance before Minito found him and had gotten into a massive fight with him putting up a impressive fight before being defeated by being choked out and if not for Minito saving her she would have been killed. After she regained consciousness and found out about the events that transpired was left depressed but noticed how Naruto was left in the orphanage left up for adoption and after remembering how she made a promise to Minto and Kushina beforehand saying how she would protect Naruto with her life so she ended up taking Naruto under her care adopting him becoming his step mother making Naruto's offical name being Naruto Uzumaki Omido also in doing this hid the fact even more that his true name was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze so it hid the true fact that The Fourth Hokage was his father protecting him even more. Kitanlo loved Naruto to bits but was a bit uncomfortable and nervous about being referred to as his mother since she felt more like a big sister to the child feeling as if she was betraying Kushina by being Naruto's step mother and due to the fact that she had been quite young at the time and due to the fight with Obito left her unable to do ninja work having basically retired from Ninja work due to both her arms being both broken with the fight and due to the trauma of losing both of her sisters and whole clan. A bit after she left Naruto to join the ANBU and defend Naruto from the shadows, after her encounter with the Akatski Itachi it turned into some forbidden love and Kitanlo ended up getting into a relationship with Itchai before they broke into a massive fall out about his plans and his idea to let Saskue kill him and Itchai lashed out after Kitanlo kept on trying to convince him not too and they broke up and Kitanlo was felt even more depressed now all alone but the thing was that she secretly had been pregnant with his child but due to his harsh words and him breaking up with her she ended up going through it all alone being a homeless ANBU and when she gave birth it turned out the baby had died. Kitanlo from then on had decided to man up instead remembering how Kushina wished to have two young boys so one can accompany the other so Kitanlo made herself a lab (Since Trans Gender wasn't common whatsoever at the time so she had to do it herself) and after lots of research done it himself and turned himself into a man but did this by making a realistic genjustu affect over his body putting a seal on himself which would keep it permeant unless for whatever reason removed. After that he became a lab rat even rivaling Orochimaru's level of intelligence and doing lots of experiments (Not torturing or killing people though-)


Kitanlo's Handcrafted Legendary Crystal Blade: Hishagakãi

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Kitanlo's Handcrafted Legendary Crystal Blade: Hishagakãi

The Butterly Sisters: Kemi and Kena

The Butterly Sisters: Kemi and Kena

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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