"At least we'll be together."

I gave him a deadpan look. He cracked a large teasing grin that made all my frustration nearly melt away. I slid over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my forehead to his. "You drive me beyond crazy," I said.

"I know," he murmured, lips brushing mine. "But you love me anyways."

"I do."

"And I love you," he whispered.

I smiled, "I always wanted to go on a road trip."

"It won't be long, love. I'm sure," he said. His eyes didn't match his words at all. He never looked more unsure or uneasy. So I decided I had to suck up my own feelings of discomfort, fear, and uncertainty. It was his life at risk. Not to mention his guilt for not only uprooting Hope, Hayley and I, but also for putting New Orleans and his siblings at risk for his awaiting enemies on the way.

"It'll be fun," I grinned. I hope he didn't see right though it. I didn't mean it at all. I would try to be positive but I was leaving the stability I worked years to create with him. We picked a city, a house, we used to have a routine we could easily get back into, and we were talking marriage. I had it all for about ten seconds each. It was a constant uphill battle.

"I just care that I'm with you," he said.

I kissed him then. I put my all into it, trying to reassure him that this was fine. I was fine. I had to be strong for both of us. This wasn't what either of us wanted, but he was right. It wasn't safe for him to stay. It wasn't worth the trouble or risk to fight. He had to go. And my place was beside him. We weren't married yet, just engaged, but I was ready to take those vows. For better or for worse.


Wednesday, January 9th
11:45 PM

I pulled into the garage, seeing Klaus' SUV running, lights on and ready to go. I figured he was waiting for me. I told him I was on my way back. After helping Hayley pack for Hope, I helped Klaus unpack the boxes we literally did this afternoon, and then I left to go home to pack for Penelope and I. She was my puppy and I was not leaving her.

As I got out of my car I realized no one was in the front seat. But while I was getting my bags out of the back, I noticed Hayley in the backseat. Oh. So she was ready. Where was my man?

"Hey," I said, opening the passenger door to put Penelope in the dog carrier down in the seat.

"Hey," Hayley mumbled. "Klaus is inside. He said you were on the way. We were just waiting for you."

I nodded slowly, spotting Hope sleeping in a car seat next to her. "I'm going to put my bags in the trunk and then I'll go in and get him," I told her.

She simply nodded. So I did as I said, slipping in my carryon suitcase and a duffel bag and one oversized purse that kept all my just in case items. I've never been on the run before. Who knows what I would need. Or how long I'd be gone. I had enough tampons to last me a month and packed nearly every pair of underwear I own. Most of my clothes were workout things, plus a couple jackets, jeans and plain shirts.

I winced as I realized I may have overpacked. Hayley only had a book bag, and Hopes diaper bag in the backseat with her and in the trunk was one duffel bag that I knew had some Hope's clothes in it, which meant the other half was Hayley's. And I somehow packed more than both of them. Oops.

"Klaus?" I called out as I entered the compound. Freya and Elijah was in the courtyard near the set up table map. "Hi."

Freya rushed forward to hug me, "you're the glue that holds us all together."

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now