*We see Kurama almost drowning in a sea of ramen his snout at the top of his cage and even then ramen water would hit his nose making for a painful breathing experience when suddenly the ramen disappeared*

Kurama:i don't know what happened but in thankful it happened..

Back outside

*The slug healed everyone else and hopped back to the table*

Slug:anything else little prince

Naruto:yes actually can you give me your name?

Slug:i don't have one little prince no slug has

Naruto:but what about Katsuyu?

Slug:that isn't a name per say more of a title it's symbolizes the strongest slug the current Katsuyu the one with lady Tsunade has been the strongest for many centuries and one day she'll be your personal slug until then the rest of the slug kingdom is at your service

*Naruto smiled and pets the slug with one finger*

Naruto:i thank you for your kindness and may i say your blue color is very beautiful

Slug;thank you little prince until he next meet

*The slug puffed away and Ren got up*

Ren: Mr ichiraku if y may have a word?

Teuchi:yes my lord daimyō how can I help you?

Ren:i must say your ramen was delectable the best I've had in a long time tell me so you have other shops or is this it?

Teuchi;this is the only shop the Akimichi clan owns all the other eating establishment in Konoha

Ren:then i would like to help with that not only will i invest to make this ramen stand in to an actually restaurant but i want you to come to the capital with me for a short time for a business meeting i want your ramen to be tasted all over the fire nation

*The ichiraku family didn't know what to say they were completely overwhelmed Teuchi bowed deeply*

Teuchi:i..i..i don't know what to say sir I'm completely honor by this t.thank you..!

Naruto:while uncle and Teuchi talk about that want to come with me and see my new home?

Akira:oh i would love to Naruto

Hajita:hell yeah better go and check my new room since I'm gonna visit a lot

Akira:same here

*Naruto smiled and got up stretching*

Naruto:i wouldn't have it any other way let's go

*The blooded Uzumaki walked away on there way there Naruto could feel everyone looking at him muttering only this time they were spitting lies that they never hurt the 4th son it was so and so*

Naruto:already blaming someone else when you would try and hurt me with a pitchfork?

*Naruto said glancing at one of the civilian who flinched and full body bowed begging for forgiveness Naruto rolled his eyes and kept walking with his family girls started squeeling calling for him as more older people started smiling at him and waving but Naruto ignored them all*

Naruto"in one ear and out the other they think I'm gonna forget all the pain they causes me?

Neji; Naruto?

*Neji turned around and saw Neji and Tenten he smiled at them*

Naruto:hey guys by Tenten's shocked face I'm guessing you heard the announcement

*Tenten shook her head and smiled shyly at Naruto rubbing the back of her head*

Tenten:sorry it's just...lady Kushina was such an icon i wanted to be just like her and you are her son!

Naruto:indeed i am

Hajita:*was blushing looking at Neji*

Hajita"he's so hot!"

Neji:it was an unexpected event that's for sure where are you and the other 2 Uzumaki going?

Naruto:i wanted to see my new house care to join me?

Hajita:yes he would love to!

*Hajita said immediately hugging neji's arm instantly Tenten got jealous and Neji, he was too confused to noticed it*

Neji;let us go then


*Tenten hugged neji's other arm, both girls glaring taggers at the other as they walked and made it to the location the place of Kushina's old house*

Naruto:hey kaasan..

*Naruto said softly as he looked at the main house*

*Naruto said softly as he looked at the main house*

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Naruto;I'm home..

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0

Gabriel McDonald


Ayham Alqaissi


José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Abhinav Puri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

For you're donations thanks again

a self-taught shinobi (Cancelled)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang