Chapter 8: Meet Bass

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I hurried to the plaza in Blytonbury we always practice at. We always go there since it's right next to out favorite dinner, and we normally get pretty hungry after practice.

Thanks to the dinner owner being a huge fan of Bass Fighters, and his daughter being a childhood friend of Jakobi, we get free food to play.

It's really a win-win, we play and attract customers for his dinner, and we get something to eat after we play.

When I finally make it there everyone is set up waiting for me.

Y/n: Sorry, I lost track of time.

Christian: Understandable.

Danny: We kinda need you to play, since you are lead vocals.

Y/n: I know, I'll try not to be late again.

Jakobi: Let's hope not.

Evie: You ready? You look kinda out of breath.

I took a few deep breathes, got into place and said, "Let's go."

We played a few songs like Deathbed (Citizen Soldier) Going for Greatness (Future Royalty) and Feel Good Inc. (Gorillaz) before we took a break and went to the dinner.

As soon as we walked in we got greeted by the owner.

Kennth: Hey, guys, and girls. . .

Evie nodded.

Kenneth: I kept your favorite table open.

Y/n: Thanks Mr.Kenneth.

Kenneth: I told you before, just call me Ken.

Christian playfully slapped the back of my head.

Christian: Yeah, bozo.

Kenneth walked us to our normal table towards the back of the store. When he called for Konney, to serve us as he needed to prepare the food for other customers.

Konney: Hey, Jakobi little while no see.

Jakobi: Been busy.

Konney: With the band?

Jakobi: Nah, changed schools.

Konney: Oh. Where too?

Jakobi: Lunar Nova.

Konney: Wait, isn't that school just for girls? Are you trans?!?!?!

Jakobi: What? No! Genius over here changed the rules to let boys go.

He pointed at me, and Konney turned to look. I gave her a smile and nodded.

Konney: Awww. Now I really wish I could go, I'd get to see you so much more.

I could obviously tell Konney had a huge crush on Jakobi, but he either knew and didn't care, or he was dumb enough to not notice.

I could point it out but I like watching this, it's my second favorite part of going here. After the food of course, and cause we always play before we come and I love practice.

I looked over and noticed Evie looking at me with a smile. When she realized I spotted her she quickly turned away, and her face turned red.

I didn't pay much attention to it since it's pretty normal for us, but I'm assuming it's cause she has a crush on me now that I think about it.

But that's not good timing since I like Lotte. If she finally asks me out I won't know what to do, I like her and I like Lotte.

Konney walks off then immediately runs back.

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