Telling Sirius Harriet's pregnant

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I sit on the couch holding my little sister as I watch the family open presents on Yule. This was a big year for us, and I couldn't wait. Leo is still insistent on having me between him and Sirius when he gets to his gift. I tried to assure him Uncle Pads wouldn't hurt him but truthfully, I didn't know how he would take this. We had decided to finally settle down and start a family on our own. When the healer had confirmed I was pregnant I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tell the family on Yule.

When Sirius finally gets to our present Leo leans back and Rigel smirks. I shoot both of the a glare, they better not ruin this. The rest of the family is talking and laughing, not paying attention to the box he is opening. I attempt to hide my smile as he pulls out the shirt that says proud grandfather. I know that once he gets over the shock, he will love it. I even have some for everyone else.

The moment he reads the shirt his eyes go wide, and he turns to us.

"Want to explain this."


The moment Sirius turns to us I attempt to hide behind Harriet. I don't fear him hurting her, but I was a different story. Even after all this time married, he still acted like I stole her from him. The rest of the family thought it was hilarious but sometimes I truly worry he will try to hurt me.

"We found out a month ago that we are expecting our first child." Harriet tells him smiling. Remus reaches over and grabs Sirius's hand and I just raise a brow at her. Even he knew he wouldn't take this well.

"Well, it is about time you finally announce it." Rigel says smirking.

"Wait you knew?" Sirius asks turning to look at him. Well better than him glaring at me.

"My question is where is my shirt?" Father Barty says coming over to us.

"Told you they would be jealous." She tells me as she pulls out the bag that held all the other shirts.

"About time you two settle down." Father Regulus says hugging her before hugging me.

"Nope, you can't be pregnant." Sirius says glaring.

"Come on, they have done so much for the wizarding world it is about time they settle down." Adhara says coming over to us. We never did tell them what exactly happened but they are now old enough to learn of the changes we have put in place. Sirius continues to glare before he sighs and stands.

"Come on Pronglet." He says and Harriet stands to follow him. Once they are out of the room I relax.

"Didn't think you would survive that did you?" Father Barty asks smirking.

"I wanted her to tell him while I was far away. She is the one who insisted on this way." I say, not even ashamed I wanted to hide from him. I might have fought in war and be trained to kill but the wrath of a father was not something I wanted to go up against. The others laugh and I just roll my eyes.

"Just wait until it is Adhara." Remus smirks causing both my fathers and me to glare at him. The poor dude won't survive the first meeting.


We head to one of the smaller sitting rooms and I take a seat, just watching her. I can't believe she is going to be a mom. I know she will be a beautiful mother, but I still don't like it.

"Uncle Pads please be happy for us." She whispers and it hits me how she must feel.

"Oh, Pronglet I'm not upset. I don't like the idea that you are doing anything that could create a child, but I know you two will do great." I say pulling her into a hug.

"We want to work on settling down. We still have some work to do but we want to get to the point we are here more than anywhere else. I want my child to grow up like I did. With loving family surrounding them." She says and I smile.

"I can't wait to meet him." I tell her. While I still didn't like the idea, I know I will love the child. This would be my grandchild and I can't wait to spoil them.

"It could be a girl." She says smiling.

"No, no more girls in the family. I can't take it." I groan.

"Yet you decided to adopt a little girl." She says and I want to bang my head on the table.

"She will make it to 30." I would make sure of it.

We talk for a little longer before heading back to the family. The moment I walk in I motion for Leo to follow me. Remus gives me the behave look and I just smirk. I won't hurt him but he doesn't need to know that. I almost laugh as Leo looks to Harriet for support before following me. We make it to the room and again I take a seat.

"I'm going to tell you what I told her father when I found out he was going to be a dad. She is always right, don't mention the weight and remind her daily you love her. Now that it is my little girl, I will add one more. If she is struggling come to me. She has made great progress, but I still worry." I tell him. He looks at me for a moment before nodding.

"I will, I am already reading everything I can. I do ask that when she gets farther along you keep an eye on her. After six months she can't internationally travel but we aren't in a place we can step away that long. If I have to go out of country, I want her here." He says and I smile.

"Of course, she will be safe you have my word."

"Thanks, so are we good?"

"Yeah, now while you can't find a godfather as awesome as me, I do hope you are planning to pick good people to be the godparents."

"Luna and Jasper will be the godparents." He laughs. The more I think about it the more I am starting to like the title as grandpa. Just the next generation of Blacks who would never know the old ways of the family. 

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