Chapter two: Saviour

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The unknown man was hard to deduct to say the least. His voice gave out such a mysterious and condescending tone.

It brought shivers down his spine. But ironically enough, he felt like it was befitting of the man who had instantly killed one of his pursuers without remorse nor hesitation.

One things for sure, he was a man of power.

But on another note, the same ruthless unknown man was his saviour.

As if his prayers had been answered, god had sent him to save the boy, he didn't really care nor did it matter if the devil himself was sent to him, all that matters was, he had been saved by the man.

Takemichi then jolted out of his thoughts, as he heard the remaining pursuer screaming louder.

The unknown man was currently stepping on his gunshot wound, eyes filled with boredom.

"I'm in a pretty s**tty mood. Entertain me won't you?", his saviour dryly said as he proceeds to kick the man's jaw then grabbed a fistful of the man's hair and proceeds to smash his face against the hard cold pavement, repeatedly.

Takemichi couldn't help but winced as he heard the skull cracking sounds and desperate screams, over and over as the man was being slammed countless of times.

It was sickening, he felt like puking. But it wasn't something he couldn't hold in. He was after all, trained to hold back such pathetic gesture.

As time passes, the groaning and smashing sounds in the distance had started to fade away.

The unknown man had briefly halted, leaning in to his victim's ear, pausing before saying something close to a whisper to the bleeding man.

All Takemichi could hear were murmurs. The boy couldn't make out a single sentence between the two men.

Until it was completely cut off by another gunshot, that echoed through the alleyway.



Then it was silent,

'Ah, he had probably finished the man' the boy though inwardly.

The unknown man was probably getting bored of torturing the pitiful guy.

What a gruesome way to discard something you're no longer interested in.

But the man kinda deserved it.

Though he wasn't proud of his nonchalant behaviour, he couldn't deny the relief that washed over his face.

'Finally! he was free!' he cheered, he couldn't contain his happiness, he sniffled, tears running down his cheeks for the Nth time, but he didn't care he was finally free!

Or so he thought.


"Hey, runt" the unknown man said, tone as cold as he had been when he mercilessly took the two men lives away.

Another gunshot echoed through the alleyway, this time closer to where Takemichi was slumped against .

The boy swallowed the lump in his throat.

His breath hitched...right...maybe he shouldn't have been too quick to judge his 'saviour', if he was even one.

He was probably a guy who did the job because the men were going through an 'off limits' area.

'God please, please just once... be merciful to me' Takemichi pleaded, tears still streaming down, though his breath was more calm and controlled.

To be honest, the boy wasn't an overly religious person but he couldn't help but begged that whatever was prepared ahead for him won't end up with him bleeding out as pathetically as his pursuers... or worst.

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