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(play here aways by seungmin for a dramatic effect)

Flashback; 4 years ago

"Honey will you get the door!" aeri's mom yelled from the kitchen

"yes mom!" Aeri yelled back

She walked to the door to be greeted with a gun pointed to her forehead, she widened her eyes backing up as her mom yelled walking out the kitchen and freezing in her spot once she sees the scene

"honey, back away from the door" her mom manages to say before she gets shot in the head and drops dead on the floor

aeri turned around seeing her mom bleeding out

"Speak and you'll end up like your lovely mother" the man said aiming the gun back at aeri

She stays silent as warm tears fall silently down her cheeks,
Police sirens were heard, the man runs away as aeri stood in fear at the front door unable to get words out of her mouth

The police arrived at the scene looking at the dead body and trying to help aeri get out of shock

"Aeri!" Both Hyeonjae and seungho yelled running towards aeri immediately embracing her

"Are you okay?! Are you hurt!? Oh my lord aeri!" Hyeonjae as the oldest, was as worried as a mother when their kid falls at the park, however seungho was completely dead silent as he quietly cries on his little sister's shoulder

"It's okay aers, I'm here, we're here, always." seungho quietly mumbled small sobs coming out in between

aeri had tears going down her cheeks as she couldn't get the scene out of her memory, she wrapped her arms around her brothers crying and promised to herself not to make a sound ever again.

school the next day
Wednesday June 25th 1:25 pm

Aeri was roaming around the school, trying to get familiar of the new place, while roaming she finds a library filled with hundreds-- even thousands of books, she enters the large room and walks to the last row and finds one familiar book, it was her dad's book, she picks it out of the shelf and opens it to the first page to see "inloving memory" looking at a picture of him softly

"Aeri? Ah there you are- I was looking for you everywhere" nari walks towards her and hugged her

"come on I wanna tell you about the guys here, maybe you'll find a guy you'll like" nari smirked as aeri just rolled her eyes playfully while putting the book back and walking with nari out the library

"Okay so there's alot of clubs here and each club has individual groups" nari said walking in the hallway with aeri

"the dance club has two main dancers as of now and the leader of course" nari continues

"And then there's the singing club, they have several amazing singers few of the main ones are lee jieun, Choi jongho, kim seungmin, chungha, chuu, sunmi and yang jeongin" nari stated slightly blushing when she names the last one

Aeri smirks at nari while she just blushed and looked away
"Stop looking at me like that, i-it's no big deal, he doesn't even know I exist anyway" nari claimed slightly pouting

"shit I'm late for the meeting, sorry aers I have to go a meeting with the other student council members, see ya in a bit love you!" Nari ran towards a room while aeri waving and smiled at nari and walked outside to the front of the campus and sat on a bench near the entrance

she was reading a book untill she heard her name being called by a familiar voice

"aeri-ah! Hey" woosung yelled running towards aeri his friends running along behind him

she looks up and sees woosung with 3 other guys,
Once woosung reaches her, he gave her a coffee

"Here, I bought you your favorite" woosung smiles

Aeri smiles excitedly gladly taking the cup and took a sip

"Is she your girlfriend?" One of the guys asked

"What? hell no- she's my friend we've known each other since we were like 10" woosung stated side hugging aeri

aeri rolled her eyes and nudged him roughly as he groans, aeri smiles innocently

"wait isn't she lee aeri??" one of the other guys widened his eyes realizing it was definitely her, Aeri just simply smiled and bowed

"woah" the 3rd guy looked at her in disbelief

"I should probably introduce you guys to her" woosung chuckled

"Aeri these are my friends, the short buff one is changbin, the squirrel looking one is jisung and the sleep deprived looking one is chan" woosung pointed the each of them while introducing them to her, she just smiled and bowed

"Oh and guys she doesn't speak so don't think she doesn't like you just cause she doesn't speak, she just isn't comfortable with speaking, okay? Okay great" he explained

aeri tapped woosung five times meaning she's asking where her brothers are and woosung simply replied "they're with yaejoon and minyoung I left early because yaejoon and hyeonjae were fighting like always" aeri just simply nodded and went back to reading quietly while woosung and his friends were just talking untill she heard a familiar name, she froze

"is something wrong aers?" woosung asked noticing how aeri was spaced out with teary eyes

aeri stood up quickly, walking away from them as fast as she could, going inside the campus and walking towards the roof tops which is where she used to go in her last college, while running she bumps into someone and falls back, making a small sound as she hits the ground hardly, she widens her eyes and immediately raises her hand putting it on her mouth ignoring the person she bumped into for a second until he spoke

"woah are you okay?" The guy said kneeling down and looking at her gently as if she was going to shatter in a billion pieces if he didn't

Aeri didn't say anything and just closed her eyes trying as hard as she can not to start crying

everyone gathered around whispering to one another

"isn't he lee minho?" One muttered

"How is she not running away" the other said

"that's lee aeri isn't it?" Another said

aeri kept thinking if she should answer him and apologize, and
She gathered enough courage to actually do it

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry about that" she mumbled loud enough for him to hear

everyone gasps, whispers, she was terrified, she didn't like the feeling one bit, soon enough she got up with a tear rolling down her cheek, the guy froze

"i-im sorry, did I bump into you that hard" the guy stuttered out

aeri shook her head and wiped her tear, she walked away from the crowd praying that they didn't record anything and post it on social media, she walked to the roof top not knowing the guy was following her

she sat down on a bench near the edge and took out her phone and opening her Instagram to look at her messages from her ex, hyeonseok

"you know....you'll never be able to get away from him if you keep acknowledging him" the boy said

aeri turned her head to look at him before turning back to stare at the text

"yknow...you're the first person to hear me speak after three years" aeri replied

"why haven't you spoke for three years?" He questioned

"uhm...trauma" she explained

he just nodded

"I'm minho by the way" he replied

"aeri" she smiles slightly

"may I ask why you were running?" minho asked

"Uh...bad memories.." aeri looked down and played with her skirt

minho sat down beside her

"you know if you keep it to yourself it'll never go away... talk to me, I promise I won't tell a soul" he assured with a small smile

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