I had always enjoyed the Texas heat, though today it made my hangover double in pain. Bailey had to have a few 'recently single' drinks, and of course, as her best friend I had to go, for moral support. I snorted to myself as I rounded the final corner to the feed store. I was greeted with the usual look at first glance, a handful of people going in while some came out with bags or a single sack of feed. A short shout caused me to pause at the door, my head tilting till I could see what was going on. A man had another man pinned to the ground, all of his shopping lying next to them as they grappled on the ground. I watched curiously as the man on top leaned down, gasping when he bit into the other dude's neck. Bitten dude screamed in pain as two other guys ran over to help. They pulled the crazy dude off of the now-injured one, shoving him against the wall. A woman ran over to the bitten dude, crouching next to him.

A haunting feeling crept into my bones as the woman started to shout, the man, her husband, started to convulse, then he was still. I glanced at the young guy next to me, who was telling 911 the feed store's address and what was going on. I looked back at the scene when one of the men holding the crazy guy screamed, shoving the blood-crazy guy to the ground. "HE FUCKING BIT ME!"

The feeling I got was worse, causing me to ease closer to the door. Just as I was doing this, the dead guy sprung up and latched onto his screaming wife while the second bitten guy dropped to the ground in convulsions. The crazy guy lunged at the second dude and tore into him, blood gushing everywhere as the crazy ripped into the dude's stomach. I watched the man's guts come out when the crazy man lifted his head, sickly yellow eyes meeting mine as I unconsciously screamed. He stood slowly, the now dead man's guts coming with him as he chewed on the intestines. A rough hand latched around my right bicep and harshly yanked me inside the shop as the crazy lunged for me, slamming the door shut in his face. The hand yanked me back more as its owner, a tall and broad cowboy, used his shoulder to hold the door closed. I snapped back into reality and frantically reached for the lock, my trembling fingers finally flickering it over. Someone else braced a shelf against the door as the cowboy and I backed away, my heart beating in my ears.

My sea-green eyes met dark indigo ones as the cowboy turned around to face me, his sharp, tan features cold as he gazed at me. My lips formed into a small smile, "Thank you,"

The cowboy grunted at me but didn't respond as his eyes darted around the store and people, one hand fixing his old Dodge Ram hat. I let my own do the same, seeing frazzled faces and some on the phone, most were talking about what just happened. I quietly tried to comprehend what had just happened when another hand on my shoulder spun me around, latching on hard as a man with wide fearful eyes glared at me. "Did you get bit? Or scratched?"

I frowned and tried to pull my already bruising shoulder out of his grip, "No, I'm not. Now let go of me,"

He pulled me closer as he pulled at my shirt, "Strip your top, let me see!"

My breathing hitched as panic swept in, "I'm not stripping! I'm not bit, Dodge dude pulled me inside before the crazy was even close to me!"

The cowboy slugged the guy on his cheek, grabbing my waist and pulling me close whenever the man tried to drag me down as well. Cowboy, who I've decided to nickname Dodge, pulled me behind him more as the man got up cussing, an employee coming over. "Settle down you two, the woman doesn't have any bite marks or rips in her top, and I watched him shut the door with her safely inside. Let's just watch the news, maybe something will be on."

The other ten people in here with us crowded around the single tv over the checkout desk, and the employee clicked the news on. I watched with bated breath as the usually well-kept but now looks panicked news anchor took a deep breath before he read from a script in his hands, "The President has issued a complete lockdown due to a pandemic virus outbreak. If you encounter someone who is sick or has gotten bitten or scratched by someone, please stay away and call your local law enforcement. If you or your family member is showing any signs or has been attacked, please head to the hospital. Everyone else is advised to stay in their homes and bunker down until they hear another announcement. Thank you, and be safe."

Novel One: Stability. (Apocalypse)Where stories live. Discover now