Chp 5 - A Cyber's World?

Start from the beginning

   Kris was carried by Susie, who held them like no problem. She was looking expectantly towards Y/N, who was aiming for the moving weak points of the wire.

   "Now!" She signaled. And that's when Kris felt the quick action of being the owner by Susie. Without fear, they held their sword upwards, slashing through through the chords. Successfully exterminating both weak points, the wires were greatly loosened. Kris hurried back to the group. Susie held a victorious smile while Kris almost smiled at the admired look displayed on Y/N's eyes and the light hue of pink on her cheeks. "Hell yeah, that was awesome!" Susie nudged Kris. Kris gave in and grinned.

"That was amazing," Y/N said excitedly. "I told you. I have great ideas," Susie boasted. "Well I can't argue with that one," Y/N smiled. One of Werewires was ready to be spared. And just as they had all planned, Y/N spared the Werewire. It had turned back into the normal citizen it was before, and they gave a relieved expression from the wire dispersing from it. Following that, they left the battlefield.

   One Werewire still remained, it's movements slow, yet shuffling menacingly.

   After the Werewire's attack, the trio was slightly damaged. Yet, the team repeated their plan, tossing Kris towards the weak point perfectly, until the Werewire was acceptable to Mercy. Sparing the enemy, they had victoriously recruited both Werewires peacefully.

   "Phew, nice fighting after so long!" Susie let out an exasperated breath. "We still got the hang of it," Y/N agreed. Kris gave an consent nod and smile. "Nice plan Susie," Kris said faintly towards her. Susie gave a sharp smirk and rubbed the back of her neck "embarrassingly" when really, they knew she was filled with pride. "Yeah, it was no biggie. Acting is just a peace of a cake," She said. "Mhm, and you weren't ready to tear anyone apart just earlier?" Y/N crossed her arms, with a teasing smile. "I- you know what, let's go catch up to Queen," Susie huffed, with a small embarrassed blush, brushing away Y/N's statement.

   As Kris was about to lead the group onward, two more Werewires fell in front of them. They stared towards the teens darkly, even though their faces were covering by the engulfing wires.

   "Or not!" Susie said with a dazed expression. "Not again," Y/N gulped.

   Without warning, the tired Werewires' wires suddenly popped out, freeing the citizens. "Huh? They calmed down?" Susie stated, puzzled.

   Footsteps could be heard, approaching behind. Kris turned around to see none other than Ralsei. His arms behind his back, and his friendly smile gleaming towards the Lightners. Kris still couldn't shake the image of their older brother Adriel, almost mistaking Ralsei for him standing in front of them. "I just used my Pacify spell to put them on 'Sleep Mode,'" Ralsei said. "Ralsei! You're here!" Susie exclaimed. "And good timing too. I don't think we would have enough strength to face those guys again," Y/N beamed with reassurance. "That's good, I felt a dark presence and hurried over!" Ralsei explained as he went up to the team. "It seems that a new Dark Fountain has appeared," Ralsei gazed wistfully towards the abyss. "Ralsei, they got Noelle," Susie said with a glare and deep frown. "Damn, what was she THINKING messing in our Dark World?!" She groaned. "If we don't do something, she might be.." She said looking down lost in thought. Kris couldn't tell if it was their imagination, but she looked worried. For Noelle? Most likely.

   "Worry not Susie!" Ralsei reassured her. "All we have to do is seal the Fountain!" "Yeah..Yeah!" Susie sighed, her worried features disappearing now back to her confident grin. "We'll get Noelle back," Y/N said determinedly.

   As if on instinct, the whole team posed. "Let's go!" Susie grinned. Even though it might look awesome or silly, Kris was filled with determination to set out into this world.


    Kris had walked onward, to bet with a new long slope. The teens all went down without hesitation.

   On the side as Kris sled down, a particular person was on a flying DJ. Well really, a robot, who was grooving on the sudden music that played all over.

   As they kept going down the steep grid, Kris noticed a bar coming up on a side. Ralsei was sliding down that side, and he didn't seem aware of the upcoming attack. "Ralsei, watch out," Kris called out. To which he perked up, and move out of the way. The bar almost got him barely, now disappearing as it went down. "That was close," Ralsei let out a sigh of relief. "There's more of them," Y/N said from behind, and she was right. More set of bars started sliding down.

   They were able to manage to keep their distance from the attacks, until they reached the ground. "Who was that?" Y/N gazed back to the grid. Kris knew who she was talking about, the DJ, that was the suspect of those attacks. They shrugged nonetheless, unknown of the answer.

   "Hey should see this," Susie said with a look of awe. The remaining three walked over to see what she was looking at. Kris eyes widened with wonder.

   A green field extended before them, and in the distance, a city shines brightly. "Woah," Y/N gasped with amazement. Woah indeed. Tall buildings of the city illuminated most of the city, and in the distance, a few Ferris wheels spun around very slowly. Green rays filled the entire sky, now replacing the empty black abyss to a now lively night.

   Kris knew, that they were filled with the power of a new adventure. And they were ready, to venture into a Cyber's World.


Word Count: 2215 words

Not the longest chapter, but I'm trying to take it easy on chapters.

Now, question of the day: What is your favorite song in the Deltarune albums? It can either be from Chp 1 or Chp 2 or both!
I think you can already guess mine

And, would you like a Halloween Oneshot/Chp?

Also, what do you think Kris and Susie would dress up as for Halloween? I'd like to hear your thoughts

Stay safe all of you!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chp! The next chp will come out shortly next week so

Stay tuned (:


A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now