~Things Begin to Tie Together~

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"Um.....hey Nance."

A silence filled the room. Nancy stared at Jeremiah, eyes glistening with tears.

"Um...Nancy, you know this guy?" Mike questioned, an overprotective feeling for his cousin filling him up.

"Yes," Nancy said crisply. "I haven't exactly been telling the truth."

She turned around, pointing the gun at the party.

"I knew she was trouble," El mumbled, as Steve stared at Nancy, hurt in his eyes.

"Tell us the truth then," Dustin said, forming a plan in his mind.

"I work for Jeremiah. Have since I was fourteen. I was manipulating you all. And it worked ever better than I thought. That's why you all will be rewarded when Jeremiah shuts all this down," Nancy said, eyes glowing red.

"Shuts what down?" Pressed Dustin.

"This.... orphanage Steve has built in his house. I know all of your parents, dumb@$$e$. I know where your father is located, El.  And believe me, half your parents are working for me. And Jerry, of course. You see, little oblivious children, Steve included, you all had a chip put in you the day you were born. Jerry and I both wanted one thing: vengeance. And using people was the only way to do it." Nancy said menacingly.

"And that dumb brunette Tori? She was all a part of the plan. You've all been played, for a good reason. All you have to do is get the chip out, and you'll stop our vengeance. But.... you'll bleed out in the process. Which'll help our plan. You have a couple of minutes to decide."

They stared at her with bated breath.

Dustin slipped into the kitchen and pretended to cry on the counter.

He gripped his hands around until he found what he was looking for: Nancy's beloved pocket knife.

He slipped it into his front pocket, and slowly raised his head.

Nancy was talking with Jeremiah.

Perfect, Dustin thought. He walked over to El, who had her head in her hands and was muttering something softly.

"El," he hissed, "I've got a plan!"

Her head shot up and she said, "What?"

He whispered the plan to her, and afterwards she nodded in agreement.

"Don't tell the others," he warned.

"Time's up," Nancy announced, "so what's the tea?"

"We need to know more about this plan of yours," El said before anyone could open their mouth.

The party shot her a glare and Dustin smirked, imagining their apologies when he and El saved their sorry @$$e$.

Nancy pursed her lips but said, "Right. The chip helped us to track you down and ruin your lives. By your life being ruined, you'd be triggered and run off. We made it so you would go to Steve. Then I busted out Jeremiah and we made a couple of stops and planned our revenge. Now: we break Steve's heart by having you take out the chips, he takes his chip out, Alyssa is absolutely devastated, and.....well, we'll see how things escalate from there."

"You're dumb, you know that?" Dustin asked, clamping his first around the knife.

"Spoiling your whole plan," El added.

Nancy's eyes widened, but she said, "Oh, it's fine. You're not going to interfere. Right?"

Nancy smiled sweetly at the group as Dustin slowly raised the knife out of his pocket.

"How are you going to get the chip out?" He asked, hiding it behind his back.

"With my knife, of course," Nancy said matter-of-factly.

El and Dustin smirked as Dustin held it up in the air and wiggled it.

"I don't think so," El said, grabbing the knife from Dustin.

"If you want it, come get it," she added coolly to Nancy.

Nancy smiled and went to make a grab at it, but El tossed it to Dustin who popped it open and held it up warningly.

Nancy shivered and said, "You can't hurt me with my own weapon. You can't even cut an onion correctly."

"We don't talk about that," he muttered.

Robin, seeing her chance, slipped into the backyard and ran as fast as she could to the police station.

An officer stood at the front desk, and angry look on his face, when he saw Robin jogging up to him, panting and sweaty.

"COME WITH ME!" She yelled before the officer could say anything.

The officer, startled, grabbed his gun and followed Robin back to Steve's.

There was sounds of shrill screams that could be heard from the living room.

Robin and the officer burst through the front door.

"Hawkins Police Department, hands up!" He shouted, recognizing Jeremiah.

The whole room slowly raised their hands. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket and attached one of Jeremiah and one of Nancy's hands together.

"Oh, joy," he said, spotting Steve and the party. "I'll let y'all go. Have a nice day."

They all let a small breath as they watched the officer, Jeremiah, and Nancy walk out of the house and into the distance.

A/N: lol. not sure if this is good or not. have a good day or night

-Stories ✨🤪✨

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