this means nothing.

626 23 2

Tay woke up, feeling a presence besides him.

He remembered last night very well, since he wasn't too drunk.

He stared at the not-really-stranger and scanned his whole face.

Slowly stroking Time's cheek, he began to smile.

"You're really beautiful, you know that ?" He whispered but when Time moved a big He got scared and pulled away.

>what the fuck are you doing Tay ?<

He got up and put on some shorts before he went into the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

Standing on his Balcony, he looked over Bangkok and somehow his mind wandered to last night.

Time was really cute.

His big excited eyes the second he stepped inside Tay's home, the way he talked and.. other things.

This morning Was quiet and warm.

Well it's Thailand, so warm is normal.

He enjoyed the silence, but...

"Good morning beautiful." The other man said and hugged Tay from behind.

"Morning." He answered cold and Time leaned against the Balcony next to Tay.

"Did you sleep well?"


"Okay.. Last night was really nice. Maybe we-"

Tay thought for a second while the other began to talk.

No. He didn't want to hear lies.

He interrupted the other, but once he did, the words just came out.

"Okay Time, stop. This was just sex, okay ? No we can't get to know each other. No we can't become a couple just for you to cheat on me. Just to be clear - This meant nothing to me. It was just sex."

>What the fuck..?< Time thought.

"You were a lot nicer when you were drunk." Time said.

He went inside, grabbed his shoes and went over to the door.

"Thank you for letting me sleep here. Hope you have a nice life."

Tay felt like an absolute asshole.

He was just trying to protect himself.

He hasn't had sex in a long time and the way Time acted..

All cute and bubbly..

This scared the other boy and somehow he ended up acting like a complete jerk.

Sure, it was just a one night stand, but he never wanted to hurt the other.

"I should apologize." Tay said to himself.


"Stupid asshole.. as if it meant something to me.. fucker. It was just sex.."

"Time are you okay?" Vegas asked his best friend.

They sat in the universities library, working through some school stuff.

"What ? Oh yeah.."

"Well I don't know what's going on, but we need to finish this presentation and you said you would help, so.."

"Sorry. It's just.."

Vegas stared at his best friend but turned around to the other two boy's he was working with.

"Hey guys, I'll go get some drinks. You want something?"

The boy's thanked Vegas and he stood up.

"Come on Time, you need to help me."

Walking out the library, Time sighed.

"So what's going on ?"

"Yesterday.. at the party I met some guy.."

"Tay, yes. Kinn told me."

"Well.. He took me home and one thing led to another and he and I.. we had sex."

Vegas stared at him in disbelief.

"This morning I woke up and tried to be nice and talk to him. You know.. Sure it was a one night stand but there's no need to act like a jerk, so I thought we could have some small talk.. But he was really cold and told me that I mean nothing to him and it was sex."


"I know.. it was sex, yeah but there was no need for him to be so rude. I wasn't expecting breakfast or something like that but we made love and.."

"Are you sure it was Tay you had sex with ?"

"What ? Of course. I'm not stupid."

"No you're not, but you were drunk and I can't believe that you had sex with Tay."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean."

"It means that Tay went through a lot of trauma and I am pretty sure he lived like a monk for the last two years."

"What kind of trauma ? Vegas, what do you know about him ?"

Vegas sighed..

"I don't really feel okay with talking about others trauma.."

"Vegas please.."

"Maybe you should ask him yourself?"

"Ask him myself ?" Time repeated and Vegas understood how stupid this sounded.

"Stupid idea. Don't do this.."

Vegas thought for a second.

"Okay I'll tell you but.. Not here at school."

"You're actually scaring me a bit right now." Time said as he grabbed the four bottles Oishi and they stepped back to the library.


"Now tell me.. what's the deal with him ? Is he like .. a serial killer or shit ? Is he dying ? Tell me."

They sat in Vegas' livingroom and ate some Pizza.

Time couldn't wait to hear the tea about the boy he's spent last night with.

"Please promise me first that you won't tell him or anybody that I told you."

"I promise."

"It was back in 2020.."


Hello guy's:)

I know it's been nearly 3 weeks since my last Update on this story but -

Here's chapter 3 !

I hope you'll like it ^^


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