☆ eight ☆

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This one goes out to Shadowpuppy56 . Your comment gave me some creativity! Ty!


In the following weeks after my little… overnight stay, if you will, Mr. Daley and Savannah surprisingly came over less than I had originally thought.

I flipped the egg in the pan, tiredly. It had been a late morning for me, as Brahms and I shared the bed.

Before you get any ideas-! He just kicked me off…

I rubbed my eyes, stretching to get that one spot in my back that refused to pop.

“Fuck.” I muttered, returning my attention to the egg. I set it on a plate with toast and Bacon Pancakes. A small thing I came up with myself. It’s just bacon surrounded in pancake batter and cooked like a regular pancake.

Brahms seemed to like them. I set the plate down in from of him, his mask next to his hand as he sipped on the orange juice I had left for him. He smiled up at me and I sat next to him with my plate.

I smiled back and started to shovel food in my mouth. Brahms laughed.

“Your food isn’t going any where.” He grinned. I looked up at him, toast hanging from my mouth. I set down my fork, biting into the toast. It fell back on the plate with a light plop. Brahms met my eyes, his chuckles dying down.

“I’m tired Brahms,” I replied, eating another bite of toast and washing it down with some orange juice. “Let me eat my food and then we’ll just lounge.”



That’s exactly what we did. I turned on the record player and laid down on the couch, half of my body over the arm still trying to pop that spot. I grumbled.

Brahms appeared in my line of vision, although, upside down. “Want some help?”

I nodded and flipped onto my stomach. Gently, he started to press an area on my back. “Lower.”

His hands slid down my back, eliciting a warm feeling around my waist. I flushed. He pressed against and my back popped loudly. With a satisfied moan, I sunk into the couch. “Better, darling?”

“Yes. Thank you.” His hands trailed up my spine again and I shuddered. I sat up, his hands falling onto my waist. Brahms leaned in, taking my lips with his.

The kiss grew more feverish and he pressed me down against the couch.


My eyes flew open to a knock on the door. I glanced down at my undressed state, Brahms in a similar boat next to me. I quickly glanced around, finding some pants to shrug on.

I kneeled down to tap Brahms. He stirred, uncertain.

“Someone’s here. Gather the clothes.” I said, hurriedly. Slipping on my shirt from before, I answered the door.

I glanced at Brahms who ran butt naked up the stairs. I stifled a giggle and turned to find Savannah. She walked past me, fortunately not looking at the stairs as Brahms disappeared into the hallway.

“So, everything is fine, I presume?” She says, looking at her watch.

I nodded, deadpan, “Just dandy.”

Savannah let out a chuckle, looking down at her watch again.

“Have somewhere to be.”

“A date?”

“Of sorts.”

“How do the two of you know each other?”

“She’s a friend from the police force.”

I smiled. “Want me to help you get ready?”

Savannah cracked a small grin. “No thanks, pretty boy. I gotta go.”

With a nod, I walked over to the door to open it. “Go get her, tiger!” I called when she reached her car. Savannah paused and looked up at me with the most genuine smile I’d ever seen.

“Thanks.” It was quiet and I possibly could have imagined it, but I pretended it was real. She waved and got into the car, driving away with unmatchable speed.

A hand settled on my shoulder as Brahms kissed the back of my neck. I shut the door and looked up at him.

“You know, Brahms?” I began, absent-mindedly. “I think we’ll be just fine.”

                         The End ♡

Broken Shadow ☆ Brahms x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now