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(Short this time sorry)

I bolted upright, searching the bed for any sign of Brahms. For any sign I wasn’t crazy. I glimmer caught my eye, and I slowly turned to find my watch on the bedside table. My eyes widened in surprise. I snatched it up, immediately checking the time.

Six-Fifty nine.

I bolted our of bed after that, tugging on my pants, and throwing on a t-shirt. I raced across the hall, gently knocking on the door.

“Sorry I’m late this morning… Brahms…” I trailed off upon seeing an actual person in Brahms' bed.

He was wearing a green sweater, a white, but stained undershirt, and black pants. A pair of shoes rested by the foot of the bed, a porcelain mask sitting on the bedside table. I stepped closer, nudging Brahms.

“It’s time to wake up, Brahms.” I said, picking up the mask. “I assume this is yours.”

Brahms sat up, shielding his face from my view as he plucked the mask from my hands. I smiled, gently, at him, sitting down next to the man. I watched his eyes crease as if he were smiling back.

“Normally I’d dress you… but I doubt the clothes in here will fit you.” I teased, poking his arm, playfully. “So how about some of mine?”

Brahms nodded, eagerly.

“Well come on then.” I laughed, standing and holding out a hand for him. He took it, standing at his full height. I blushed a little, leading him into my own room. I pointed at the bed, silently asking him to sit. I turned to face my dresser, managing to find some clean clothes of him. “I know it’s not on your list… but how about a shower? Or a bath?”

Brahms liften his arm, holding it up to his nose. He pulled back, quickly nodding.

“I’ll draw a bath for you, then.”

After the water was at a warm temperature, Brahms came in, shirt and cardigan missing and his pants halfway undone. I blushed harder, but pushed any thoughts away to held him with the last bit.

“Are you going to leave the mask on?” I asked. He nodded. I only looked at his eyes, trying to ignore the fact he was naked.

I let him get situated in the bath before sitting on the low stool I had pulled over. I let some of the bubble rise to the top, shutting off the water and handing him a clean rag.

He glanced from the small towel to me the cycle repeating three times before he let out a small sound. I chuckled at his childish behavior. I wet the rag and got soap on it.

Carefully, I started with his arm, and then his chest. When I got to his hips, I pulled back, holding out the cloth to him. He took it reluctantly to finished cleaning himself. I tousled his hair, playfully, before rinsing it under water. I put the shampoo in his hair, accidently scratching at his scalp. He made an odd noise that I could only identify as a groan. It sounded almost positive. So, I did it again. This time it was louder.

Each time I did it, the more the noise sounded sexual. Now I was just doing it to tease him. Then he grabbed my wrists, pulling me into the tub by accident. I landed in his lap, hands still being held by his own. I blushed, heavily when Brahms leant in.

The porcelain of his mask met my lips and his hands left mine to pull his mask away ever so slightly. Now I could see the smile on his lips.

I leant in again, not even realizing. This time, his chapped lips pressed against mine. They were rough and scarred. He pulled back first, setting the mask back in place.

After much reluctance, I had convinced him to get out and get dressed. He came back in, tugging at the shirt I had given him. It appeared a bit tight, causing me to chuckle.

Brahms made a whining noise and I stopped laughing, choosing to just smile instead.

All was well so far, and I intended to keep it that way.

Broken Shadow ☆ Brahms x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now