he helped her clean her backyard one time, so she created this scarf as a reward for his help.

Nils and Nittrius had a weird sight when they entered the high school. There was almost no

one in the school, maybe they came too early or too late? They decided to go to their class.

As usual, they didn't know if they were late or not. Their class does have an old clock,

so going to class is the best way to look up what time it is.

They opened the classroom door slowly and carefully. Nittrius entered the door and only

saw the teacher. She wasn't a bad teacher, she knew her job very well and explained

it to the students in a way that everyone could understand, but she did have a smile that

could give you some goosebumps, the only person that didn't seem to be scared of her smile was Nittrius.

Nils then entered the room and looked at the clock, "10 AM" it seemed like they were on

time, but why did no one come today? Nils didn't know. He looked around the old

classroom. The janitor had just cleaned the old desks, he looked at the very back of the

class and saw something that he wasn't expecting, there were people! He looked closely and

counted around five people. He recognizes two of the people. One of the two was called Jim, and the other was called Dave, or at least, it's not his real name, because his real name is

David, but the school and himself prefer to call him Dave rather than David. Nittrius walked near Nils. He talked to the teacher, and, apparently, since it is the last week of high school, the students are allowed not to come this week. And since there was nothing left to do, the principal allowed them to roam around the school.

Nils had the idea to take everything in his locker since he should've done that three

days ago. He ambled towards his locker. He was humming happily through the corridor. As he walked closer and closer to it, he had this weird feeling, like he was being

followed. When he was about to open his locker, he thought he heard someone walk right

behind him, but it could only be his imagination, maybe it was someone walking through the corridor? why would he care about a random person walking through the hallway for reasons that didn't include him. He opened his locker and took things still in it, like his English books and photos that he took during December, and kept them in his locker because he couldn't put them anywhere in his room. Nils closed the locker and turned to his left so he could go back to the class.

Suddenly, Nils got punched on his head, making him fall on the dirty ground. In a matter of seconds, he felt a tremendous pain in his left leg, and he couldn't scream or see the faces of the people who were attacking him. He didn't have time to understand what was happening.


Nittrius got up and opened the door leading to the main hallway. Since they could go almost

anywhere they wanted in the school. He would go to the library to pick up some books about anatomy or any other books about a similar topic. He left the classroom and walked through the hallway. After a minute, he found the library door. It wasn't far away

from the lockers, so he decided to take a quick look to see if Nils was near just to know where

he was. When he looked at Nils locker, he saw something. Nils was getting attacked by

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