two - trent

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Our break was over and we were into our second set. Around halfway through I ended up distracted, flubbing my solos. I decided I'd try and remedy the issue. I knelt down to my sister. "Janie."
"Yup?" she tilted her head a bit.
"Who's that?" I asked, eyeing the guy standing at the back of the room by the door. I knew I picked him up earlier, but I couldn't remember why I picked him up.
"Daria's older brother. He's like, 23 or 24 or something. That's about all I know."
"Hm," I mumbled, and Jane shot me a look.
"Why, you into him?"
I shrugged. "We'll just have to see," and it was just then that we locked eyes and he smiled ever so slightly at me.
That seemed to fix it. We played the rest of the show flawlessly and came offstage. The other guys went straight home but I went to go find the other three. I found them all together by the exit, probably waiting for me. "Time to go," I said, and we went outside. I chucked my guitar in the trunk and we all got in the car. "Are you guys good to get dropped off and I go for a walk? It's a nice night. Wouldn't wanna waste it with sleep or something."
"Yeah, that's fine," Daria said, and I saw Jane nod through the mirror. I looked over at y/n.
"Dude," I said, and Daria tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
"What?" He mumbled, looking around to get his bearings.
Cute, I thought to myself. "I'm going on a walk. Just making sure everyone's alright with me dropping them off and then leaving right after."
I watched him contemplate something for a second. "Can I come with?"
Jane raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes at her reaction.

I told Jane I'm bisexual years ago. I'm lucky to come from such a progressive family, or I don't know what I would've done. She was so accepting, like she understood even though she was something really young like 11. I don't remember being that mature when I was 11, but she was. I'm glad she had the trait I didn't.

I dropped off Daria at home and then Jane, pulling into the driveway and leaving the car there. Y/n got out of the car after me and we started walking. No-one said anything. We just walked. For a while, anyway. I noticed his eyes dart from each star, like he was connecting them in his mind.
"You really like the sky, huh?"
I asked, and he nodded.
"Not much of a talker?"
he nodded again.
"Okay, we don't have to talk if you don't want to."
We were in silence for another 5 or 10 minutes before i heard him speak for the first time.
"Maybe we should go sit down?"
We went to sit down on a bench in a shopping street, watching all the stores close down.
"I wanna get to know you," I said, looking at him. He looked back at me. He really was something... In the way of looks at least. I still couldn't place his personality.
"Tell me what you wanna know, and I'll answer."
"Which sister are you more like?"
"Daria. Without question."
I laughed a bit through a cough. "Okay, where'd you move here from?"
"Oh, dude. I am so sorry," I jokingly placed a hand on his shoulder, and he just let out a soft laugh.
"Yeah, it wasn't great. Hmm... What else?" he asked, and I shrugged.
"What about your free time?"
"Actually, I play guitar sometimes..."

This conversation went on for so long I hadn't noticed the time. It had to have been around midnight or 1am by now. "We should be getting back," I suggested, and he nodded in agreement. I hadn't realised my arm had snaked itself round the back of his shoulders as we spoke until we stood up. I handed him our home number on our way back home. We said our goodbyes as we approached my house, and I went inside. "Janie?"
"Trent. How was your date with Mr. Morgendorffer?"
"Ugh, don't say it like that."
"What, date?"
"Mr. Morgendorffer. You make it sound like you're talking about their dad."
She creased her face. "Gross. Anyway, you never denied it was a date."
"Stop it, Jane. I just met the guy, he's probably straight."
"That's what you think..."
"I'm not just gonna assume. I'll talk to you tomorrow Janie," I ruffled her hair and went up to my room, laying on my bed and just staring at the ceiling. I couldn't believe what I was feeling, and for a guy I had met only a few hours ago.

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