Chapter 13

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"I can't believe Adam is...." Bree trailed off. A hand in Chase's shoulder as he was still on the concrete floor, Adam still on his lap, lifeless. "It's all my fault." Chase said. Tears streaming down his face. "Chase, no it isn't. It's Sebastian's fault." Bree said kneeling down next to Chase. "He took the laser for me! It was my fault, Bree!" Chase cried. Bree sighed and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Chase, you can't blame yourself for this."

"Who else can I blame? You? How could I blame you or anyone for something that isn't their fault?" "Chase, that's what you are doing right now. Blaming yourself for something you had no control over." Chase sighed, understanding what Bree was saying. "Okay." Chase said, getting up and then sitting right back down.

"I have an idea." Chase exclaimed happily. "What is it Chase?" Bree asked, confused as to why Chase was so ecstatic. "I have an idea on how to get Adam back!" Chase exclaimed. "Really? How?" Bree asked, excitement coursing through her veins. "The Override App. I can possibly get his system to work again!" Chase said. "Well, do it!" Chase nodded and closed his eyes, "Activate Override App." Adam and Bree appeared on his eyes. "Adam." Adam was now under his control. "Adam, get your nervous system under control, get your heart to beat again." Adam nodded and began working. Slowly, Chase turned the Override App off and Adam was breathing by himself again and his body was now his own.

Adam stopped getting himself to breathe and looked at Bree and Chase, a grin coming across his face. "Adam!" Bree and Chase exclaimed. They ran over to him and gave him a big hug. Chase and Bree started to cry in happiness. Adam just had the biggest grin in history plastered on his face.

"How long was I dead?" Adam asked. Bree and Chase looked at each other, "You were dead for 15 minutes. I got the Override App to make you make yourself breathe again." Chase said. Adam nodded. "I think we should all just go home." Bree said. Everyone hoped on Bree's back and headed back to the island.



There will be one or two more chapters. Probably one. The last chapter will be the Epilogue, which will wrap up the whole story.

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