Chapter 8

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No one's POV:
Leo, Bree, and Mr. Davenport sat anxiously in the mentor's room. Waiting for the boys to return. "Where are they?" Leo asked. "Are they st-" Bree was interrupted by Adam running into the mentor's room, he was carrying a limp body which Bree immediately recognized to be Chase. "What happened?" Bree exclaimed. Adam, through panting breathes, replied, "Sebastian happened." Chase started to stir and somehow find the strength to say three words. "Lockdown the academy." Then he blacked out. Everyone went to work immediately. Adam gently laid Chase on the couch where Bree was watching him. Mr. Davenport put the academy on lockdown, closing all transportation units. Leo made the announcement. Adam directed everyone to their dorms. Mr. Davenport shut down everyone's bionic chips to ensure that no one could get out. "Come on, Chase. We need you. Wake up. Please." Bree muttered.

Adam sat on a bench in the hydro loop. The only place he could get some privacy, and started to cry. Nothing good had happened for him today. He didn't hear the soft footsteps or the door of the hydro loop opening until the person said, "Wasting your time crying for the little runt you call a brother?" Sebastian said. Adam slowly lifted his head. "Watch what your saying. I want to beat you up, but I'm trying to control my temper." Sebastian smirked. "That just shows how weak you are. And, how you don't care for your brother." Sebastian crossed a line when he said that Adam didn't care for Chase. Adam stood up and pinned Sebastian to a wall, his arm on Sebastian's neck and leg trapping him in. Sebastian grunted, "let me go, Adam." Adam shook his head and brought his fist down, hard on Sebastian's head. Then, Adam hit Sebastian again in the stomach and kicked him hard in the ankle and shin. Adam finished when he hit Sebastian very hard in the eyes and busted his lip. Adam dropped Sebastian's body to the floor. "If you ever, say that I don't care about Chase again, I will not hesitated to kill you." Adam said, hate filled every word. Adam was about to leave, but thought better of it and kicked Sebastian in the stomach one last time before picking him up by his collar and dragging him to the mentor's room. He picked Sebastian and up, and slammed him down.

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