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Bohyuk look at his watch before he started to whine.

"Ah, why he taking so long?!"

Wonwoo put down his drink and look surround the cafe while their one and only sister, Sana using her phone.

Mina was with Wonwoo's parents, as this is her sixth days of her absistence.

As soon Sana lift her head up, she gasp and get up from her seat.

When Bohyuk and Wonwoo turn around, they started to groan.

"There she goes."

Bohyuk roll his eyes when Sana run until she attack a guy that already open his arms for her.

Wonwoo shudder and look away while crossing his arms.

"Gross, so not cool in public eyes."

Bohyuk trembling like he was about to throw up. Sana then pull the guy towards their table until she push him to take a seat beside Wonwoo.

"My baby is back!"

"The scene of nightmare is coming."

Sana hit Bohyuk's arm while Wonwoo shake his hand with that guy.

"How's Daegu, Jun?"

"Great, but yeah the traffic was a no for me."

Wonwoo scoff as he can related with Jun's experience.

Sana couldnt take of her hand around Jun's arm and they know how clingy she will when Jun's around.

Even Bohyuk's girlfriend didnt clingy like Sana.

"Alright, let's get this meeting to the point."

Sana twitch her lips as Wonwoo dont show any interest to wait for another romance to see.

Jun nod and take his file out from his bag.

While Bohyuk straight his posture and put another file on the table so it become a meeting table.

As Jun checking Bohyuk's file, he frown and hummed every five seconds.

"Jung Hae Gi is a businessman that runs branded cars. And his family kinda wealthy, so I can say Jung's family had stable life."

"But what about Jung Seolla? His sister?"

Sana asked making Jun look at the file again.

"Seolla is kinda spoiled daughter, she only popular in her v-log that she always post every weekends about her make-up and fashion taste."

Wonwoo sigh and look at other file.

There is three files on the table; Jung's, Mina and report case.

So he check Mina's file.

"Do you have any idea about Mina?"

Jun tap his pen on his chin as he take time to think.

"You said her genitals were torn, showing it was evidence that she was forcibly and violently raped."

Wonwoo nodded.

"But it still wont considered as strong proof to drag Jung's family to court."

They three frown and now they can feel they cant sit comfortably.

"So you were saying, the case wont be a justice to Mina noona?"

Bohyuk asked.

Jun nod.

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