Chapter 3: The nonsense

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It's been four weeks since I got here in the church, and so far I'm getting along with the ghouls and the ghoulettes. Though Imperator had made me read this book about the ghouls and all of the papa's. I sighed as I laid my head down, at this moment imperator is making me exhausted. Suddenly I heard my door open and looked back just to see Copia. "Hey Copia," I said to him in a quick yawn.

He looked concerned for a little "Is Sister making you do a lot of work?" I nodded "Yeah, she is making me research about the ghouls and ghoulettes."

He nodded and suddenly left. Now I'm feeling lonely but I have to finish this book. Not even a few minutes later Copia walked in with tea in his hands. "I asked imperator if she could give you a little rest, surprisingly she actually agreed to it."

I smiled and quickly thanked him. I put my black cat bookmark in the book and got my tea from him.

"How do you like it here?" he asked.

"It's fine, I love spending time with you and the ghouls," I replied. He nodded as he leaned back in his chair.

"Say, what were you going to do today Cara," he asked.

I shrugged "I'm not for sure."

"I would let you see the rest of the papa's but I'm going to let you rest in here," he said while standing up.

I shook my head "Are you sure you don't want to stay in here?" Copia chuckled "Why, do you need company?"

I quickly nodded and grabbed me some clothes. I then told him I was going to take me a bath. Walking into the bathroom I quickly stripped out of my clothing. I stared at myself in the window, at one point I was self conscious and now I'm confident in myself. I laughed as I turned the faucet to the tub on. Since this is a day I'm able to have a test I got a bottle of bubbles and sprayed it around the tub with some lavender.

I stepped in the tub, I groaned as the hot water was relaxing my stiff muscles.

I was sitting in the tub for 30 minutes until I started to get calluses on my fingers and toes. I unclogged the tub and put on my night gown (any color you want)

As I opened the door I saw that Copia was almost asleep. I quickly shook him awake "Copia, I'm the one who's supposed to be resting, not you."

He groaned as he slowly sat up, his eyes going back and forth between my face and my night gown.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked while tapping my foot on the ground.


This answer of his quickly got me suspicious, though I just ignored it.

I climbed in the bed as I bid Copia a bye.

As my head hit the pillow my eyes were slowly closing until I fell into a deep sleep.

I groaned as I opened my eyes to someone shaking me. As my vision was unblurring the person who was shaking me was Copia "Oh Y/n, thank god you're awake."

I sat up and took a look at my surroundings "What's the matter, I was in the middle of a dream?"

He pointed at the window. I climbed off of the bed and opened the curtains. The once sunny sky turned into a monsterus dark nightmare. From what I'm looking at it is really windy. "Is that why you're scared?" I questioned him.

He quickly nodded "We barely get these type of storms here. Each time we do get one we aren't usually prepared."

I sighed, walking back to the bed and patting the side next to me. "I'm tired, you can stay next to me if you need to."

He nodded as he walked to the place I patted. We ended up snuggling into the black comforter. Though we didn't notice that we were getting closer to each other. Closer and closer to the point that we were hugging each other, with my face in his neck. When we got close to each other we were already asleep.

(Discontinued For A Little Bit)Papa Emeritus IV/ Cardinal Copia x female reader Where stories live. Discover now