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Now, you might be wondering why Techno hasn't killed the prince yet. He has an explanation for that, and it's quite simple, really. You see, despite the rather rocky start, he's found a friend in the prince. Or at least, he's found someone he doesn't want to kill just yet. He's still going through it, still thinking about what the prince really means to him and what he wants to do with him. It's an internal struggle of sorts, one that will probably never find its way outside of the crevices of his own mind. He doesn't want to admit anything he's not entirely sure of.

On the other hand, he doesn't have an explanation for why he's following him around.

He could justify it as tailing his target but when he's here alone with his thoughts, he doesn't have to hide anything. He's curious, and he doesn't exactly have anything better to do. He can't go ahead and do multiple jobs at the same time, so he's stuck here until he gets it done. It's not such a lamentable fate, if anything he's actually quite grateful for the much needed break. That, and he kind of likes just observing the prince. There's something about him in all his candid glory, of him murmuring to himself often and getting distracted over the littlest of things and being so enamored with the world around him. Techno finds himself smiling fondly as the prince discovers the world for himself, even if he doesn't exactly know why he feels so compelled to witness it with his own two eyes.

He's glad he's here, though, because someone else also is and he can already tell they don't have particularly good intentions.

As always, he's sitting on the branch of a tree and perched directly above the unaware prince. It's oddly reminiscent of the first time they meet, a distant memory from several months ago that's abruptly unearthed by the striking similarities. Everything is as it was back then, from the moon shining brightly and the stars twinkling and the leaves rustling, and down to even the golden glow of the lantern flickering below him as the prince stops to get a closer look at something on the ground. Except this time, there's an intruder on what should be their time alone together.

Techno spots some movement in the shadows, right behind the prince's back. Immediately, the bounty hunter straightens from his lax resting position and moves one hand to the dagger he always keeps sheathed at his belt. Crimson eyes squint and remain vigilant, carefully keeping an eye on the spot where he last saw traces of activity. Sure enough, there's the glint of a blade that reflects off the lantern's light that peeks through a bush just moments before they move to strike.

Of course, Techno doesn't let this fly. He jumps down from the branch right before the other's weapon can even dream of grazing the prince, and the person beneath him grunts as he crashes into them. They sway dangerously at the unexpected weight, tumbling forwards and sending the prince down with them. He cries out in surprise, and Techno sees red and is quick to push the stranger far back and away from him.

"Dream!" He looks back frantically to see the prince thankfully mostly unscathed, just knocked down to the ground in the struggle.

"Ah... Techno!?" Dream's eyes are wide and his tone is disbelieving, but Techno doesn't have time to dwell on that.

Their intruder is finally beginning to get back on their feet, and Techno wastes no time and attention in somewhere other than the fight. He doesn't give them time nor opportunities, however. He's quick to send them back into the ground, unsheathing his dagger when he's sure he's pinned them by the core. He raises the weapon over his head, and promptly slams the hilt down onto their skull. He winces at the resounding impact, but is undoubtedly relieved to see that they go limp in unconsciousness. Once he's confirmed that they're not waking up anytime soon, he rushes over to Dream.

"Are you okay?" He asks, despite knowing full well he's probably fine. He just likes the reassurance of a verbal response coming from the man himself. "Did you get hurt anywhere?"

"I'm alright, I'm alright. It's just..." He brushes himself off, and Techno's heart calms down at the small smile that graces his freckled face. "I can't believe you knocked someone out for me, Techno."

Denial always comes easier than the truth, so he resorts to that. "I didn't do that for you. I'm just eliminating competition."

"Don't worry." Dream puts a hand to his chest, speaking in a purposefully dramatic manner. "No one will ever be able to compete for your place in my heart."

"When will you shut up?" Techno grumbles, averting his gaze.

"Oh, the things you'd do for me." Dream continues, all sing-song and teasing.

"Yeah, the things I'd do to get that head." Techno lifts his dagger intimidatingly and makes a show of twirling it around in his hand, but all it manages to do is elicit a shameless laugh from Dream. It's not like he minds anyway.

"You could just ask, you know." Dream winks, and it's then that Techno realizes the implications of his words. He immediately goes to correct his statement.

"That's not what I meant." He sputters, cheeks flushing furiously. How... uncouth. He couldn't believe this was a prince standing right in front of him, not with his immature giggling.

"Sure it isn't. Sure."

"I'm going to punch you." Techno threatens again. Well, he tries. It comes off far too soft instead.

"You wouldn't dare hurt me." Dream's emerald eyes are as sharp as ever today, and they pierce into his soul like it's cutting through butter and not layers of walls built up over years. It's too much. He's shouldn't be this familiar with the crevices of Techno's heart, and yet he seeps into them effortlessly anyway. "I know you far too well."

And Dream's right, unfortunately. He wouldn't. Not now, not ever.

Byzantine Bounty - DreamnobladeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat