chapter 6:to kumogakure..the job and timeskip

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3rd pov:
The chunin exams had come to an end, as most started to pack their things and head back to their respective villages naruto could be seen standing beside: A the raikage..the two could be seen standing in front of the gate.

Raikage:"so you'll need a new last name once we get to can't be Uzumaki due to the fact my people will think about the Uzumaki who lives here." Naruto seemed to be in thought as he came up with the last name.

Naruto:"just make me have no last name.." the raikage nodded a bit confused but he understood.

The two traveled along with several cloud nin to kumogakure. The cloud nin that traveled with them seemed interested in naruto, as the raikage told them that naruto was a prodigy of the leaf that made a deal with apart of the deal naruto would stay in kumogakure until the deal is fulfilled.

Scene change:with the konoha 13

The 13 young ninjas had heard the news about Narutos departure to kumogakure. Team 10 were saddened by the fact their teamate left without a goodbye.

Now as they talked menma said something that startled them all, as the red haired boy looked at all of them with a serious expression.

Menma:"..before naruto left he told me about a threat we all might have to face in the future" the others seemed confused as menma started to explain causing a flashback to happen.


Naruto could be seen carrying his bags as he seemed worried menma noticed his brother and decided to follow him, as naruto walked to an alleyway he stopped and looked straight at menma.

Naruto:"menma come on out.." the red haired Uzumaki looked at his older brother confused, as naruto walked towards him and pat the young newly made chunin on the head. "Menma..listen to me...I'm leaving. I made a deal with the raikage so he could trust some information that the head of the torture department extracted from orochimaru."

Menma:"what do you mean big bro." Naruto gave him a tired smile, as he looked down at menma.

Naruto:"there is a group that call themselves the akatsuki..they wish to take the tailed beast from their grow strong please..I don't want to see you dead the next time I come back.." he looked at menma. "I've always hated our parents for neglecting me...but you and naruko..I never hated i want you to know that...when the akatsuki reveal themselves." He gave menma a sad that the red haired Uzumaki would always remember.

Naruto:"I will go after them..and I might not make it who knows..but please grow strong for my sake." Naruto  started walking away leaving menma behind.

Flashback end

The thirteen ninja looked worried..but then they all agreed..they would grow strong for the naruto's sake.

Scene change and time skip

Naruto looked at kumogakure, as he noticed countless spiked pillars that held buildings with large glass to be able to see through.

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