Best friend

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"Alina wake up." Clint said shaking Alina. She swatted his hands away and got out of the car, it was 5:00 in the morning  and they had arrived at the complex. No one except Natasha and Tony knew that you were coming so nat was waiting for you outside.

Her and Clint shared a hug as Alina got her stuff, nat then bear hugged her. They had always been like sisters or a mother daughter duo. "Nat- can't- breath." Alina said and nat released her. 

"Good to have you back Lena." Nat said, they then waved goodbye to Clint as he drove off and headed inside. They went to Alina's room and unpacked her stuff, as they were unpacking Alina somehow fell asleep on her bed so nat ended up finishing it. She tucked her in before leaving her to sleep.


Pietro had just woken up and just like he would do every morning, he went in Alina's room to lay in her bed, he thought that hers was like a cloud and his felt like bricks. He walked in the room with a blanket wrapped around him only to see Alina laying peacefully in her bed.

Pietro's mouth fell open and he ended up dropping his blanket. "Alina!" He said jumping on top of her awakening her. "Hi Pietro," Alina said groggily trying to push him off.

"Do you not like my hugs anymore princessa?" Pietro said offended, putting his hand over his heart.

"I love your hugs just not when I'm trying to sleep," she said nuzzling into his side, Pietro lied  down so she could fall back to sleep and he was rather tired also. He wrapped his arms around her waist as Alina fell asleep. He loved having her back, he loved seeing her like this and he loved her.

Alina sat downstairs at the island with hot Chocolate in her hand and a pencil in the other staring at her work. Wanda had been offering to help her but she constantly refused, Alina was taking a college class on physics and it was harder than she thought but she thought it would be beneficial. 

Peitro finally had come downstairs considering that it was noon now. He looked fully awake and energetic, he, Wanda, Sam and Alina were all planning on training so he was right on time because Sam had just walked in the door. 

"C'mon Alina we have training  stop studying." Wanda said grabbing the books away from her. "Ugh" Alina said putting her head on the counter. Pietro walked over to her, throwing her over his shoulder, -"Pietro put me down-!" and running off with her then coming back putting her down. 

"Pietro maximoff if you EVER do that again I will kill you!" Alina said trying to find her balance then going to her room to change.

While Wanda and Sam were doing something productive Pietro and Alina were on the floor hysterically laughing at a joke Alina made. 

"O-ok I think we need to actually train now." Alina said standing up, Pietro still on the floor.  She reached her hand out to help him up but he pulled her down, faces inches away.

Wanda noticed and pointed it out to Sam. "Think he's told her yet?" She asked Sam

"About the breakup? No, about the winter solder? Also no."

"I know he doesn't want to hurt her but keeping it from her is even worse." Wanda said picking up her water bottle.

"They need to just date already everyone can see it." Sam whispered, sitting on the floor. "I can read their minds and they're both too chicken to say anything to the other." Wanda said grabbing her stuff, "I'm going to shower and get ready for our mission." 

"Might as well." Sam said and they both walked out leaving the two alone.

"So what did you do without me?" Alina asked as she sat on her bed, using her powers to move around the furniture in her room. 

"Well remember my girlfriend Delilah?" Pietro asked from next to her.

"You mean that bitch." Alina said disgusted by her.

"Well she cheated on me and turns out she was using me to get famous." Pietro said staring at the ceiling, "aww I'm sorry Piet, everyone might have hated her but I feel bad. Also where'd you say she lived? 136th street or was it somewhere in Jersey?"

"You are not going to her house." Pietro said sternly, "and you are not wearing that dress." He said standing up and grabbing the dress that was on her floor.

"I just bought it!" 

"I don't want to beat up anyone for looking too much at my best friend."

"Pietro," she said tilting her head and he dropped the dress in surrender "if I didn't know better I'd say your jealous." Alina said poking him in his side.

"I'm not jealous just... protective." Pietro said trying to sound manly, "yeah and sleeping with a bear shows how protective and unafraid you are."

"Atleast I don't have a burn box in my closet." 

"Oh shut up. That's supposed to be secret." Alina said throwing a pillow at him. "Besides, I can protect myself. I have been for years." She then stood up and walk in front of the mirror, creating a ball of energy in her hand "I have these powers that I should be afraid of but I'm not. And me being a woman I should know how to protect myself, I have training from Natasha romanoff I don't think I need someone to protect me." 

Pietro stood up and walked over to her standing behind her. "I just want to know that your safe," alina turned so she was facing him. He gently grabbed her hand kissing her palm. "I'm not afraid of you, and you shouldn't feel like you need to protect yourself princessa."

Alina pulled him into a hug and they just stood there in the silence.

"I love you Pietro." Alina said into his chest. 

"I love you too, princessa."

Had a little wandaxvision type moment there but they're so fricken cute I just had to add it. 


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