
Jungkook woke up alone in a hospital room. He was feeling dizzy.. There was a fog in his brain. At first he had trouble remembering what happened. Then it struck him like lightning. He presented! He finally presented! And as an omega? The most beautiful of them all. He was gonna change in the next two weeks or so. Even physically! Omegas usually were curvier, their skin was flawless.They were rare in population but Jungkook always thought that they were more beautiful than Alphas and Betas.

He was sighing dreamily. He didn't realize the tears pooling in his eyes until a few of them dropped. He was feeling highly emotional but it was very much expected. He was having his first heat! He still couldn't believe it!

After the first wave of shock faded, he started feeling a little lonely which made him question the current situation. Why was he in the hospital? He remembered Taehyung came to see him in the basement and the Alpha's scent was it for him.

He felt an explosion of emotions the minute he got Taehyung's scent. He never felt like that before. Thinking about the following things that happened made his cheeks flush in a pretty pink.

Taehyung scented him! Multiple times! He hugged Jungkook and carried him to his car! Jungkook was feeling hot all over again just thinkin about it, though he was doubting that it's only the heat that made him feel frustrated.

That still didn't explain why Taehyung took him to the hospital though.Was it something wrong with him? Was it because he was presenting so late? Or was it a precaution because of the attacks?

Just by remembering it Jungkook winces. Was Taehyung and Jihoon okay? With the effects of his heat he started panicking real quick. Luckily for him that's when someone entered the room.

''Jin Hyung!''

''Oh my god, Jungguugiegsgsggs I was so worried! You made me age in two days boys!'' Jin was talking in his scolding tone but he was also hugging Jungkook tightly since he was more vulnerable and touch starved than ever right now.

''H-hyung, it happened two days ago?''

''Yes, they made you stay unconscious for a long time as a precaution. The doctors said that, you having conscious thoughts would only flame your heat more.''

''And... why is that a bad thing?''

''Kook-ah ...We know. You should've talked to me. You didn't have to do that.''

''Do what? I don't follow here hyung.''

Jin took a deep breath. ''Okay, we know that you took medicines -most likely pills- that would trigger your heat.''

''I did what?''

''Yes, the results of your blood test revealed it. That's why Taehyung followed you to the pack house. Honestly, you didn't have to do that. You were obviously gonna present one day or another. This was very risky and dangerous. I was so worried that something bad is gonna happen for the last two days.''

''Hyung... you don't understand. I didn't took any pills or anything.''

''You don't have to feel embarrassed kokie.''

''No,I swear I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even know that there are pills that force you to present.''

''Are you sure?'' Jin looked puzzled as he did.

''Yes, hyung! I never took those chemicals! There must be a misunderstanding.''

''No,no it was very clear that you presented under influence. They checked multiple times. ''

''Than what?''

''Someone must gave it to you without you noticing.''

''Why would anyone do that?''

glow up// TAEKOOK- COMPLETEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن