I Hate Nightmares

Start from the beginning

They laughed.

"I didn't do this." she said. "You did. It's always been you. This darkness it's a part of you. I'm merely a product of that darkness. And you'll have to accept it eventually."

I felt like running. Like screaming. I refused to believe it. To accept it. That darkness couldn't be from me. Could it? No she was lying. They were tricking me. It was all a ploy to get me to lose control. So they could infect me again. Take over. Like they had always wanted.

"I don't believe you."

"It doesn't matter if you decide to believe. I'm merely stating the facts. And the fact is. That I'm a part of you. We're more intertwined than you could ever know. Besides I have you to thank for even being able to appear to you like this." she snickered. "You think it's a coincidence I first appeared. Right after dear old dad died?"

They laughed that same mocking horrible laugh that haunted my dreams.

"Don't you dare talk about him!" I retaliated. "You never knew him!"

"Did I not Y/n?" she said. "In fact I think I knew him more than you ever did."

I hated how they talked. How they spoke down to me. Like a child needed to be hand held. Mocking me.

I wanted to anger them. Make her feel the pain that I had felt. But as he spoke I couldn't find a way too.

"I know that he spent endless restless nights. Fearing that he would lose you. Just like he lost your mom. And be left alone to rot. No one there to comfort him. To love him."

"Don't." I warned.

"I know he spent endless days training and fighting. Working himself to the point of death to protect you. Even though he knew no matter how hard he tried he would never be able to save you."

"Shut up!" I yelled back. His word reverberating in my mind lock defining sounds of gunfire. I clutched my head as I tried to block it out.

"I know that deep down. He knew no matter how hard he taught you, trained you, mentored you. You would never be ready."

"Stop!" I tried to move. To lash out at them. To make them stop. But I was rooted in place. Clutching me head as I tried to deny it all.

"That this world would strip you of every good memory. That you ever had. Any semblance of innocence or warmth that had graced your soul. And you would die. And he would be powerless to stop it."

"No!" His tone defined my senses. Clogged my mind. Buried my thoughts. I no longer wanted to fight. I wanted to run.

"And you know what Y/n?"

She laughed. The tones of his mockery reverberating with the pulses of those tentacles of shadow. Filling the empty black abyss in sounds of amusement.

"He was right."

And they laughed all the harder. And I forced myself to stand. To move. To retreat. And I turned and ran. Clutching my head as I tried to block out those sounds of mockery. That seemed to cling to me no matter how far I fled. Each blasting my skull like a deafening gun shot. A darkness clawing up my skin emerging from my soul. Eating away at me. Clawing up my skin like an infection.

I tried to rip it off. Tear it from my skin. But nothing worked. And it was not long before that darkness had clawed its way to my chest. And then my neck. Until it covered my entire body. Slowly rising along my cheeks as they clouded my vision. Their tones of mockery filling my mind all the while.

And as the darkness consumed my vision I fell to the ground. Clutching my head as tears fell from my cheek. Pleading them to make it stop. To end it.

But as I cried and begged for mercy. I felt a gentle hand slip over my cheek.

Percy Jackson x Male Reader The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now