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"So, what do those bloodstones do?"Wynter suddenly asks at lunch.

Everyone stops what their doing to look at Wynter.Zed holds up his necklace.

"The bloodstone makes our zombies our true selves.We go full zombie and get powers like strength, speed, and we also look more scary."He explained.

" our moonstone?"The zombies raise an eyebrow to Willa's comment.

Although Wyatt had explained to Eliza what his moonstone is, she was still curious.

Willa starts to explain.

"With our moonstones, we have a super good sense in smell, sight, and we are super fast.Without the moonstone, we can never be our true selves.And that is what the big moonstone is for."The wolves had already shown the zombies their crystal.

Addison jumps in the conversation.

"I love that you guys have so much in common!"

Eliza didn't want to be rude, but Addison has a lot of energy.Maybe a little too much.

"So,"Bree then jumps in."Do you zombies have a big bloodstone crystal, or something?"

Eliza thinks for a moment before shaking her head.

"Not that I remember.Maybe Zeruka knows if we have one but as far as Zed, Bonzo, and me, we're not sure."

"So what will happen if your bloodstones suddenly loose power?Will you die or turn human?"Wynter asks.

Zed frowns.

"We didn't really think of that..."

Wynter suddenly realizes the tension and is quick to apologize.

"Sorry, sorry!Ugh, bad wolf!Bad wolf!"Willa rubs her shoulder.

"It's okay, Wynter.You were just curious."

Eliza looks down at her lunch.Wyatt rubs her arm.

"You okay?"His whispers in her ear.She smiles and nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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