Chapter Four // The Journey

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Many years had passed since the twins had been to the Red Keep. There brother had invited them to celebrate his wife's pregnancy and soon new born babe.

Viserys was so confidant that it was a boy he had called an heirs tournament. Aerea hoped that it was a boy maybe then Viserys would stop torching his wife with all those painful pregnancies that were killing her. She had a selfish reason to hope for a boy as well. It would mean Deamon would be denounced as heir and Aerea wouldn't have to worry about there lives changing completely. They could stay at Dragon stone raising there children instead of being a Queen and ruling the country.

They were planning on staying for at least two months in Kings landing so there were taking there dragons with them. Along with there 5 children. Though only Daemon and two of there children were on dragon back. Aerea couldn't because she was pregnant with there 6th child and someone had to look after the children who weren't on dragon back. Most of them were to young or in Aerys's case didn't like being away from his mother for to long. Daemion who was there 3rd child was only 9 far to young to ride on his own but insisted he wanted to go with his father.

Leaving Aerea with 12 year old Aerys, Daenys who had just turned 5 and Aerion who was 1. Aerea was more then happy to sit and listen to her children. She loved them so much and cherished ever second they got to be together. The time was passing fast and soon they would be full grown. Her oldest was already 14 and would soon start to rely on her less. The thought unsettled her a little.

Aerys put his hand on his mothers cheek bringing her out of her thoughts. "Mama?" Aerys asked. He never spoke much and when he did it was only a few words. Just like her. "I'm ok baby" She told the boy bringing him closer and pushing her nose into his hair. Seeking the comfort of her son.

"MAMA" Daenys shouted happily running over to her mother. Aerea looked down to the little girl who climbed onto her lap next to her brother. She had grown tired after running about. "When will we get there" She said through a yawn. Aerea let out a small laugh. "Not for a few hours. Sleep" Daenys shook her head violently. "Nooooo I'm not tired" Aerea watched her daughter sleeply blink her eyes and yawn. "No of course not little one" She said just as Daenys fell asleep.


The carriage stopped just a loud roar and then a thunderous bang which rocked the ground was heard.
The Dragons had landed. There was a moment of silence before the door to the carriage opened and Deamon walked in. "Are you ready my love" Deamon said with a sweet smile. "PAPA" Daenys squealed as she ran over to her father. Deamon picked her up patting her back lovingly. The sight made Aerea smile. "Hello little one. Remember we must be quiet for you little sister she is sleeping" Deamon said kindly pressing a kiss to her head. "I'm sorry Papa I just missed you. I didn't mean to shout" Daenys said in a small voice looking down. "It's fine little love come on do you want to say hello to you're dragon before we let them go of and explore" Daenys nodded her head quickly. "Yes please Papa"

Aerys jumped down from we're he was sitting with his mother. He looked between her and the retreating form of Deamon. "It's ok baby go on. I have to get your little sister anyways" Aerea encouraged him to go see his dragon. Aerys quickly ran off and Aerea let out a happy sigh.

Picking up Aerion and walking out of the carriage Aerea saw her older brother, his wife and daughter all waiting in the court yard to greet them along with other nobles. It was custom for the royal family. Viserys didn't look to pleased that the dragons weren't in the keep but Aerea refused to lock them away. They were powerful animals who deserved respect and keeping them caged up was not respectful.

Aerea quickly walked over to Deamon she didn't like crowds of people and there were a lot of them looking at her. She felt uncomfortable and unsafe. She tucked herself to Daemons side he gave her a smile rubbing her hair in comfort. "Come along now children. We must greet your uncle" Deamon called to the children that were saying hello to the dragons. "You can see them later for now you're mother needs her rest" That seemed to get there attention. If one thing was to be said about Aerea and Deamons  children it would be that there mother came first in the eyes. Even Daenys who was as little as 5 knew this.

The children quickly ran to their mother and fathers side. Daenys taking ahold of Deamons hands while Daeron and Daemion walked ahead of them. Aerys wanted to be in his mothers arms but she was holding the babe so he climbed into his fathers instead.

Viserys let out a chuckle at the scene. He hadn't met most of the children only Daeron and Aerys when he was a baby. He looked to his little sister and gave her a kind smile. He knew this wasn't easy for her but she still came and that made his heart warm. He really did love his siblings. No matter how much Daemon messed up.

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